Saturday, February 5, 2011


THE PHONE NUMBER PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED FOR NEIL WESCHE WAS INCORRECT. Please call him at (509) 262-6799 for information about the weekly carving sessions at Neil and Merle's.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by the President, Janet Boynton.
***The Minutes of the Executive Board meeting of Wed., Jan. 5, 2011, were read by the Secretary, Jimee Hurst.
***Vice-President, Bob Gough, reported that he has 6 bins of carving books in the club library. Len Daugherty volunteered to store them for the club.
***A sign-up sheet was passed around and members were urged to volunteer to bring refreshments to the meetings. There was a good response; the months of March and November still need to be filled.
***Arlene Spaulding gave the Treasurer's Report. She also reported that Barb Pentecost will audit the books for the last six months of 2010. Janet thanked Arlene for her on-going help in bringing the new officers up to speed on their duties.
***Show Chairman, Bob Gough, reported that the Prospectus has been sent out. Advertising and brochures will be the responsibility of Jimee Hurst. Ivan Brown will take care of getting our show announcement on the Meyers reader board. Neil Wesche will talk to Ed Daley about the radio spots. He also donated a carving to be given away on the air.
Barb Pentecost has sign-up sheets for jobs at the show. Kay Blieler is taking care of ribbons. Patsy Bennett is donating a carving for the Cooks' Award.
Bob needs to build 5 risers that are 1' x 1' x 6'. He needs 1/2" to 3/4" plywood or particle board for this. Barb will try to get some scrap lumber from a construction site near her.
It was moved, seconded, and approved unanimously that the club provide two tables free of charge to the Kennewick Senior Center Wed. carving class for their display.
Bob reported that several demonstrations have been scheduled for the show, but more need to volunteer.
Carl Kinne will provide the tags for carving entries.
Bob said PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ON SUNDAY WHEN THE SHOW CLOSES, BUT STAY AND HELP WITH THE TEAR-DOWN AND CLEAN-UP. He was left with almost no help last year, and he hopes that this will not happen again.
Breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase both days of the show, prepared by the students at Tri-Tech.
***RENDEZVOUS REPORT: Bob Gough is also chairman of the Rendezvous in June. He asked for more volunteer instructors. Jim and Janet Boynton have volunteered to take care of breakfast and lunch. Barb Pentecost suggested that we include in our advertising the information that we have an air-conditioned building in which to hold the event.

***Since Catherine Segovia found it necessary to resign as Treasurer, a plea went out for a volunteer. Len Daugherty volunteered, Ivan Brown nominated him, seconded by Shirley Carlson, and the vote was unanimous. Thank you Len!!!
***The Monday night carving sessions at Neil Wesche's will begin on Jan. 24, providing an opportunity for people who work days to join us.
***Neil suggested that we look into putting an application blank for membership in our blog and newsletter.
***Ivan Brown suggested that we think about having the executive board be authorized to take care of business decisions at separate meetings, and reserve Thurs. night monthly meeting for demonstrations, etc.
***There was a motion to authorize the board to approve expenses up to $250 without going to the club for approval. There was much discussion, following which the motion was withdrawn.
***Bob reported that Mel Wheatley will be offering a two-session class in relief carving on April 16 and 23 in Walla Walla.
***Vi Hiltwein reported that the Idaho Woodcarvers' Jamboree will be held in Boise on Memorial Day weekend. Classes will run all three days and the cost is $200. ***Vi also said that she has received the first pre-registration for our own show.
***Bob suggested that we think about making our dues all due at the same time, and pro-rate them for those who join during the year.
***The Raffle was held, and winners were Charlene, Janet, and Jean. The winners are reminded to please bring an item for next month's raffle.
***The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jimee Hurst, Secretary