Monday, March 8, 2010

SHOW TIME!!!!!!!!

16th Annual Tri-Cities Woodcarvers’

Saturday, March 20, 9 AM to 5 PM
Sunday, March 21 9 AM to 4 PM
Tri-Tech Skills Center
Kellogg at Metaline
Kennewick WA 99336

Registration Fri., Mar. 19 4 PM - 8 PM
Show chairman, Bob Gough
(509) 628-1493

Members and helpers will meet at noon on Friday to set up tables and prepare the exhibit spaces.



This will be our last chance to bring up any concerns or ideas that need to be considered for the show. Therefore we will not be having a demonstration this month. It is very important that every member possible attend this meeting.


Pre-registration of Show entries - Vi Hiltwein (509) 582-5737 Fill out entry form and attach check, mail to P.O. Box 6962, Kennewick 99336. Entries will be checked in at the Tri-Tech Skills Center of Friday, March 19th at 4:00.

Show Raffle - Bring your donation to Charlene Brown ASAP. (509) 628-3516. Donations can also be brought to Tri-Tech on Friday, March 19.

Hospitality Table - Please bring snacks, bottled water or soda. Shirley Carlson will be in charge of the table and will have coffee. THIS IS FOR FRIDAY ONLY while the workers, entrants and judges are getting set up.

Folding Tables - WE WILL BE SHORT ABOUT 8 TABLES. If you have a 6 ft. or 8 ft. folding table, PLEASE BRING IT ON FRIDAY. Mark it with your name in large letters so it can be separated from the Tri-Tech tables during close-up on Sunday at 4:00.


We have received a note from Kathy Estrada, who is the site manager for Meals on Wheels at the Kennewick Senior Center. Lunch is served there on Wednesdays, just before the carving class. She would like to invite all those attending class to come at 11:30 and have lunch.
The staff at Meals on Wheels are dedicated to providing balanced meals in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Suggested donation is $2.75 if you are 60 or older. For those younger than 60 the fee is $7.15.

Please call the Senior Center at least 24 hours ahead for reservations.

Next time you are at the Senior Center, pick up a copy of the Feb. 2010 Central Washington SENIOR TIMES. There is a very nice article about Roy LaMunyon, Vi Hiltwein and Ellen Berg.

TCWC Officers:
Ivan Brown, Pres.
Bob Gough, V.P.
Arlene Spaulding, Treas.
Jimee Hurst, Newsletter Editor

13th Annual Rendezvous

June 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2010
Benton County Fairgrounds
Kennewick WA

If you got last month’s newsletter, you already know all of this, but just to refresh your memory, and to acquaint new members with this activity, here’s the basic information:

Our goal is to provide an informal forum for carvers, potential carvers and friends to gather and socialize, exchange carving techniques and ideas and to generally promote carving.
Free, short (2 to 3 hours) classes will be offered as will a number of free hands-on tutorial sites for “drop-ins” to sit down and actually carve or wood-burn, depend-ing on the availability of presenters.

RV Sites and restroom facilities are available. Charges for the campsites are $10/night with water and power and $6/night for RVs and Tents with no hook-ups. All sites will be available on a first-come first-serve basis. No reservations will be taken except for instructors.


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Ivan Brown.
The Secretary’s report was not given because it was in the newsletter and with no objections, they were approved as written.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
: Bob Gough reported as follows:
Vendors Ron Lunde
Judges Ron Lunde (Judges are John Dysert, Federal Way WA; Gene Fuller, Boise, ID; Jerry Poindexter, Spokane WA.)
Hotel Accommodations Bob Gough (Guesthouse on Clearwater - 2 nights for 3 judges, $419.34; each judge is given $200 for expenses.)
Show Entries Vi Hiltwein is in charge of pre-registration of show entries.
Advertising Bob Gough contacted Tri-City Herald (Wed. & Thurs. and in “Around the Town”), Giant Nickel and Tri-Tech Skills Radio. Bob showed the ad for the papers; Tri-Tech Radio will contact Lori Leach for an interview about the carving she is donating for the radio promotion.
Ribbons Kay Bleiler (Ribbons have been ordered from Flying Colors Screen Printing.)
Prospectus 410 copies were made and mailed. (Mailing list from membership & associate list, 2009 show entry list, 2009 Rendezvous list and prior years’ prospectus list.)
Show Computer Software Steve Mech will provide computer, show software program and family members to take care of the setup and printing.
Entry Information for Judges Sue Jensen
Tri-Tech Cafeteria Vi Hiltwein
contacted Becky (Culinary class instructor.) They will open the cafeteria on Sat. & Sun., 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM. It was suggested that we make a contribution to the class for their volunteer work of preparing and serving food.
Raffle Charlene Brown - requested that raffle donations be brought to her as soon as possible for raffle cup labeling.
Volunteers for Show Barb Pentecost has schedule for Friday setup, admission desk, entry registration desk judge’s assistants, display room monitors. It was decided that non-members of the club who volunteer to help will also be most welcome.
TCWC Carving Table Ellen Berg is making cutouts of Mushroom key chains, 3-pointed Stars and 5-minute Owls for carvers to work on during the show. Members, bring your knives and gloves to carve at the table. Bring a table mat to protect the table.
Table Covers Bob is purchasing table covers for the show tables.
Hospitality Table Friday Only Shirley Carlson. Club members to bring snacks, bottled water and pop.
TCWC Information Table Brochures made by Arlene, sale of 8-point star earrings and TCWC hats.
Demonstration Butch Elrod will demonstrate chainsaw carving out front.
RENDEZVOUS RECAP: Benton Fairgrounds will mail us the lease. A deposit of $250 is required (refundable after event), rental cost is $583 which includes 30 tables, 20 picnic tables and 100 chairs.
SECRETARY POSITION still not filled. Arlene Spaulding brought this to the attention of the club that she will do the Secretary duties until after the show, then the position needs to be filled.
NEWSLETTER is temporarily being published in two formats - a Word document for mailing, and a blog for those who have email. The content is the same. Jimee is working on finding and learning a program whereby only one form will work for both mailing lists on her computer.
NEW BUSINESS Welcome to new members:
Neil and Merle Wesche
Connie Schlosser
Arlene asked whether a condensed version of the minutes would be acceptable. Ellen stated that many members who cannot attend our meetings due to travel or health problems depend on the minutes as a means of keeping informed on club business. The consensus of the members was to try to keep the minutes informative, but more concise.
Ivan brought information from Flying Colors Screen-Printing for hats, shirts and vests with club logo printing. It was agreed that we purchase 2 dozen winter hats and that those who want to order a shirt or have their vests printed contact Bob Gough.
Meeting Attendance: Barb Pentecost, Tony Steffen, Bob Gough, Ellen Berg, Vi Hiltwein, Irene Braach, Ivan Brown, Charlene Brown, Shirley Carlson, Roy LaMunyon, Merle Wesche, Neil Wesche, Wally Walters, Larry Musen, Jimee Hurst, Jack Hurst, Connie Schlosser, Carl Kinne, Mark Green, Jerry Johnson
Announcements: Cheryl Flint wrote to say “Hi” to everyone, and sent her new mailing address. Jack Schneider wrote to say “Hi” also.
Waterfowl Woodworks will take orders before the show by phone or on their website, and bring the order to the show, which saves freight costs.
Demonstration by Barbara Pentecost on Chip Carving Barb had many chip carvings to display, and brought us many practical tips to help turn out better chip carvings..
There were no signups for refreshments for the March meeting.
Raffle items were won by Neil Wesche, Jimee Hurst, Connie Schlosser, Charlene Brown, and Jack Hurst