Sunday, August 29, 2010


Meeting was called to order by Ivan Brown.
Arlene Spaulding gave the Treasurer's report.

Vice President, Bob Gough, reported and opened discussion on a variety of topics. The first event coming up is Heritage Days at Sacajawea Park on Sept. 24, 25 and 26. Carvers are invited to demonstrate their skills, especially on the opening day which is mainly for school children. We need to get busy on give-aways for this event. It was suggested that small flowers will be quick and easy. Ellen Berg will make blanks from wood donated by Shirley Carlson. Mark Green has offered to airbrush them.

Also on Sept. 25 is the Woodcrafters Street Fair in Kennewick. More details on that coming soon.

Next up is the SPOKANE ARTISTRY IN WOOD show on Oct. 1, 2 and 3. Entries will be taken over for those who can't attend. The cost is $4 per entry. Spokane supports our show, so let's show our support for theirs.

After the holidays we will be preparing for our show on March 18, 19 and 20. Be thinking about how you can volunteer to help - it takes a lot of people to run a show the size of ours. We were short-handed in several areas last year, but especially in clean-up, loading and hauling the club materials back to storage after the show. We must have people who are willing and able to do this important job.

There was some discussion on whether or not carvers can sell their work at the show. The consensus of opinion was that each seller would need to handle his own display, sales and taxes, if applicable. Those selling would have to be present at all times that their items are on display. Table rent is $15.00 per table.

Barb Pentecost suggested that members remember to park away from the building after unloading their belongings, so that visitors to the show can park closer.


June 10, 11 and 12 (Set-up on Thurs., 9th) We received a lot of positive feedback on our recent Rendezvous. Many have signed up already to return next spring. It isn't too early to start thinking about helping out by teaching or organizing and keeping things running.

Bob also report on his experiences at the recent NORTHWEST CARVING ACADEMY in Ellensburg. Several of our members also attended, and generally good reports were given. Most have signed up already to attend again next year.


A call was received from a representative of the SONS OF NORWAY. Their Nordic Festival is coming up on Oct. 16 and 17 at the Fairgrounds, and they are looking for someone to demonstrate chip carving. Ivan will call Juan Marin and see if he is interested.

Will Hayden called and sends greetings to our club members. Even though he is no longer able to travel here to attend, he has been a big supporter of our club, our shows and is a generous supplier of unique and popular carvings for our raffles.

Club Dues.... Those who receive mailed copies of the club newsletter and Minutes will notice their renewal date on their address labels. The rest, who get the blog online will have to be aware of their own due dates. If there is no response for two months after a membership expires, you will be dropped from the active members list and dropped from the mailing list.

The winners of the raffles were won by Neil, Jimee and Jack.

Attending were members Arlene Spaulding, Ivan & Charlene Brown, Jimee & Jack Hurst, Roy La Munyon, Ellen Berg, Neil and Marle Wesche, Shirley Carlson, Vi Hiltwein, Barb Pentecost, Mark Green and Bob Gough, and guest, Genevieve LaMunyon.

Our thanks to the Kennewick Senior Center for allowing us to meet at their facility for the summer.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Y'LL COME TO THE MEETING THIS THURS. AUG. 19, 7 p.m. at the Senior Center, Kennewick.

You may think that "No news is good news." But that definitely is not true if you happen to be a newsletter editor. Seems summer is a comparatively quiet time for woodcarvers - certainly, many are out of town on vacation trips. Our Wed. classes are going strong, though, so come on in at 1 p.m., at the Senior Center to see most of your friendly regulars, and get some good instruction.

Meantime, if you have any news to share with TCWC members, call Jimee at (509) 396-9495, or email at

Did you know that you can view this blog ANY TIME YOU WANT TO? You don't have to wait for an email announcement - you can tune in on any day at any time. Of course, this is a slow news time, so there aren't many changes - but come fall, things will start gearing up again.

Last month's minutes follow this - please remember to come to the Aug. meeting Thurs., 19th at 7 p.m., Kennewick Senior Center.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Minutes of July Meeting

July 15, 2010, TCWC meeting at the Kennewick Senior Center
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Arlene Spaulding. There were 10 people present.

The financial report was given. Vi will do the annual audit of the books.

Arlene is making an updated list of members and dues dates, so the correct dates should be on future newsletter mailing labels.

Arlene has purchased plastic boxes to be used for items in the storage area. The cardboard boxes were falling apart.

Information re: the show and rendezvous must be submitted to the carving magazine by Sept. to be included in the Dec. issue.

We welcomed one new member, John Goodell.

Trustees need to be appointed next month. They prepare the slate of officers for the next election.

Ivan said he has heard from several people with favorable comments about the rendezvous. They are planning to return next year.

Raffle winners - Len and Mark. Remember, winners bring items for next month's raffle.

Attending the meeting were: Ivan Brown, Charlene Brown, Roy LaMunyon, Ellen Berg, Mark Green, Len Daugherty, Arlene Spaulding and Vi Hiltwein. Guests attending: Genevieve LaMunyon and Catherine Segovia.

Respectfully submitted
Ellen Berg