Friday, May 28, 2010


It's all about location ..... location ...... location!!!!! Still at the FAIRGROUNDS, but our old venue will not be available because of landscaping work, so we have been UPGRADED (at no extra cost!!!!!) to BUILDING #1 AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE FAIRGROUNDS. Enter at the West gate as usual, and look for signs at the end of the road pointing to the LEFT to the new location.

Building #1 is an 80 x 100 enclosed building with 20' sliding doors at the West and East ends, with 8' doors on the North and South sides. There are restrooms and showers directly behind the building. There is AIR CONDITIONING if it is hot, and we can close the doors if it is windy!!!!

RV's can park on the NORTH side and the WEST side of the building in the grassy areas.

Bob, Ivan, Charlene and Arlene walked the area with the rental administrator, and were very pleased with the upgrade in location. WE'RE MOVIN' ON UP!!!!!

Here's a map (I hope) showing the route to the new location

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

TCWC NEWS May, 2010


Andy Howell was the speaker at last month's meeting; he brought us some great information on combining wood carving with clay modeling. This sparked a lot of interest, with several people following up in the Wed. class with more clay show-and-tell ideas and questions. Andy also spoke on making and using glass or clay eyes in carvings, and had some good hand-outs on how to use facial expressions in carving. THANKS, ANDY!!!!

A BIG THANK YOU also to the nice and generous - but mysterious - person who brought cookies and coffee to the April meeting. We never did find out who did that, but we're really grateful. There were no sign-ups for May - but who knows??????


Don't forget our


Thurs., May 20, 7 p.m.

At Tri-Tech Skills Center

Kellogg at Metaline


Our speaker this month will be club member, Wally Walters. He has been collecting wood and ivory carvings from all over the world for many years, and will bring some and tell about them.

The biggest topic on the meeting agenda this month is, of course, the RENDEZVOUS. Here's what my dictionary says about this interesting word: (ron'da voo) an agreement between two or more persons to meet at a certain time and place. Well, that sounds simple, doesn't it? Read on to learn about how very much more work it takes to make a successful Rendezvous.



June 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2010

Benton County Fairgrounds

Kennewick WA

Chairman, Bob Gough, is reporting good progress on the planning of the Rendezvous, having signed up at least 5 instructors of carving with the possibility of several more. He has also lined up a couple of beading classes and one on basket weaving for the non-carvers in attendance. There is always room for more, so if you would like to volunteer in any of these areas, please call Bob at (509) 628-1493 or email

There will also be several demonstrations, including one by Mark Green, who will bring his air-brush equipment and show us how it's used. The Wood Turners Club has agreed to bring a lathe and give a demonstration also. If you, or someone you know, would like to demonstrate any carving-related activities, call Bob.
Two dinners will be served - a potluck and a barbecue. Mark Green has volunteered to head up the barbecue ... many thanks, Mark! He will need some help.....

The hospitality table will be set up with donated snacks, water, sodas and coffee. Help is needed to set up and clean up. Also donations of food....

Charlene Brown is taking donations for the raffle. We always have good success with this, so keep those items coming. She will also need some help selling tickets, etc......

Call or email Bob if you plan to help for any of the above. There are plenty of jobs for everyone!


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the president, Ivan Brown. He explained that, since the speaker for the evening was not a member of the club, he would be allowed to give his presentation first, before the business meeting. He then introduced Andy Howell, who is known to most of us from the Wed. class, and who has extensive experience as a carver, glass artist and multi-media innovator.

Andy told of his work combining carving with clay applications, and explained how to accomplish this, showing some carved bark turtles with clay tiles on the shells. He discussed various ways to make eyes using glass and clay. A part of his presentation was on the fact that facial expressions play a bigger part in displaying emotion than the eyes themselves. he brought examples and duplicated handouts to illustrate the points he covered. Thank you, Andy, for a most instructive 30 minutes!

After a short break, the business meeting began at 7:45. Treasurer, Arlene Spaulding, thanked all who contributed to the success of the March show. She presented the Reconciliation Report, which showed that we covered our expenses and we have available funds to put toward the Rendezvous.

Arlene moved that we donate $50 to the Tri-Tech culinary class for their food service during the show. Seconded by Jerry Johnson and unanimously accepted.

Vi Hiltwein moved that we pay $50 to Ed Daley for his radio club, for their service to our show. Seconded by Mark Green and unanimously accepted.

Arlene brought up the fact that the fee for our storage space is $50 per month.

The Minutes of the March meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter.

Mark Green reported that he still has duplicate books in the library supply, and will bring them to the Rendezvous to share there.


Ivan Brown asked if anyone had any questions or suggestions for next year's show. Jerry Johnson asked why there were so few vendors this year. There were many opinions on why some of the previous vendors had not attended this year. One was going out of business, and others didn't come due to the economy. Carvers and guests are generally spending less money on hobbies, making it less profitable to travel and transport large amounts of supplies.


RENDEZVOUS Ivan ran down the list of volunteers needed for the event. He also reminded the group that we will need about $100 to rent a refrigerator for the food. The Barbecue rental will be $50.

There are 5 carving instructors signed up for classes so far, and more are needed. There will be a couple of beading classes and one of basket weaving for the non-carvers.

Members were reminded to be planning to bring food for the potluck on Friday, snacks, water and sodas for the hospitality table, and all kinds of items for the raffle.

Members attending the April meeting were: Ivan Brown, Arlene Spaulding, Wally Walters, Jerry Johnson, Don Schnell, Jack Hurst, Jimee Hurst, Ellen Berg, Vi Hiltwein, Shirley Carolson, Roy LaMunyon, Irene Braach, Mark Green and Barb Pentecost.

Guests attending: Sharon Villegas, Catherine Segovia



***********END OF MAY NEWS**********