Monday, May 9, 2011


The meeting was called to order by the President, Janet Boynton.

The Secretary, Jimee Hurst, gave a report on how the change-over to one yearly renewal date for everyone's dues will work.

The Treasurer's report was given by Len Daugherty. There was a suggestion from the floor that the club change our checking and savings accounts to a bank that pays interest; Geisa is one that pays 5%. It was suggested that we look into this further after the Rendezvous.

It was moved, seconded and passed that we donate $50 each to the Radio and Culinary Departments of Tri-Tech, in appreciation of their work during our spring show.

Charlene Brown reported that she has typed up a list of the books and magazines in the club library. Bob will take the books to Len's, and members can check the list, call Len, and either pick up the book or ask him to bring it to the next meeting.

Bob Gough suggested that we send thank-you notes to people who contributed to the show. We received notes from Will Hayden and the Walla Walla club members.

It was moved, seconded and passed that we send $50 to Dave Disselbritt for gas money in appreciation for his help in promoting our show.

It was moved that we have a show next year with a budget of $3500. There was much discussion, and it was pointed out that expenses in the past have exceeded $3500. Several members raised objections to having a budget amount in the motion. This motion was voted down.

It was moved, seconded and passed that we have a show next year on March 16, 17, & 18.

There was some discussion on the topic of qualifications to be a voting member of the club. According to the by-laws, everyone who is a paid-up member is qualified to vote.

Rendezvous Report by Bob Gough:
...Ivan and Charlene Brown will again be in charge of the Raffle.
...There will be a potluck on Friday night.
...Instructors signed up so far: Dave Disselbrett, Connie Schlosser, Vi Hiltwein, Ellen Berg, Ron Lunde, Bob Gough, Mel Wheatley.
...There will be a surprise contest starting Thurs., with the winner to be announced on Sunday.
...The remaining soap carving kits will be put on sale at the Rendezvous.

Our Vice President, Bob Gough, will be conducting the meetings during the summer months while the President is away.

Barb Pentecost pointed out that 8 of our members need handicapped parking spaces, and there is only one space in front of the Senior Center. She suggested that any member who is interested can call Gary Deardorff at the City Hall, 585-4301, and ask that this be made a priority.

Bob, Neil, Len, Mark, Jerry, & Judity presented a program on carving to a group of about 30 people at a local senior facility, and reported that it was very well received.

Kay Bleiler gave a talk on tips and suggestions that she has developed during her years of carving. She covered a wide range of ideas from choosing wood to finishing with a life-like "habitat" for mounting the carving.

Respectfully submitted,
Jimee Hurst, Secretary

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