Tuesday, December 21, 2010
We'll let the pictures speak for themselves ... as you can see, everyone enjoyed the evening. The traditional exchange of gifts was very lively, with the most competition (as usual) being for the Mr. Peanut carving, accompanied by the famous peanut brittle. It ended up, appropriately, with Roy and Genevieve LaMunyon, who were celebrating their 60th anniversary.
In a short meeting before the Christmas dinner, it was reported that the cost for the fairgrounds for the Rendezvous has gone up about $150 over last year. The total will be about $750.
Vi Hiltwein moved that we rent the same building and pay the increased cost. Seconded by Charlene Brown, the motion was passed unanimously.
Vi Hiltwein moved that we rent the same building and pay the increased cost. Seconded by Charlene Brown, the motion was passed unanimously.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dec. 9
6:00 p.m. at Tri-Tech
Bring your favorite dish to share and join us for our annual Christmas dinner. There are no sign-up sheets, and somehow it always seems to work out just right. So bring a main dish, a side dish, salad or dessert. Paper plates and plastic utensils will be provided.
A "Chinese gift exchange" is the activity of the evening, so if you wish to participate, bring a wrapped gift, not to exceed $10 in cost. Numbers will be drawn, then the fun begins.
The meeting was called to order by out-going president, Ivan Brown.
The first order of business was the report by the Vice President, Bob Gough. He is working on the spring show already, and said that Catherine Segovia is making up some fliers to distribute around town.
***Bob is also making plans to obtain a turned vase with a brass plazue to be presented to the winner of Best of Show. He also has some ideas about a different presentation for the winner of the Cook's Choice.
***He suggested that we send personal invitations to the Spokane carving club, because of their enthusiastic support of our show.
***A chain-saw carved bench by Butch Elrod will be offered for auction to the public during the coming year. It will be displayed at different local businesses throughout the year, the first being Meyers Auto Tech. The winner will be drawn at the November, 2011 business meeting. Tickets will be $5 each. The cost to obtain a license for a public auction is $58, and the limit is $5000 in profits.
THE TREASURER'S REPORT was given by Arlene Spaulding.
NEWSLETTER EDITOR'S REPORT - Jimee Hurst asked if everyone got the letter to members regarding the election of officers, since a new mailing list was used. All present said they received it.
The 30 soap carving kits for children, containing 3 wooden tools, a bar of soap and patterns, are being made. Don is making the tools, and patterns are being printed by Charlene. 30 bars of Ivory soap have been purchased. Cost for each kit is running about $2.00 to $2.50 each. These will be sold at the spring show for $5 each.
Arlene suggested that incoming officers start keeping a hard copy of any club business transactions in a file for future reference. She made the motion, Jim Boynton seconded it, and it was unanimously passed.
We have two new members: Bob Manship and Catherine Segovia.
NEW OFFICERS were elected as follows:
President - Janet Boynton
Vice President - Bob Gough
Secretary - Jimee Hurst
Treasurer - Catherine Segovia
After a break, a vote was taken for approval of the expenses to be paid for the raffle of the bench.
The CHRISTMAS POTLUCK was discussed. Funds were approved to pay for plates and plastic utensils.
RAFFLE WINNERS were Jim Boynton, Jean Manship, Barb Pentecost and Mark Green.
Those attending were:
Arlene Spaulding, Barb Pentecost, Mark Green, Vi Hiltwein, Wally Walters, Roy LaMunyon, Ellen Berg, Irene Braach, Dave Mitchell, Don Schnell, Charlene & Ivan Brown, Janet & Jim Boynton, Jimee & Jack Hurst, Jean Manship, Shirley Carlson, Catherine Segovia and Bob Gough. Plus visitors Walt Braach, Sheri Mitchell and Anne Walters.
The first order of business was the report by the Vice President, Bob Gough. He is working on the spring show already, and said that Catherine Segovia is making up some fliers to distribute around town.
***Bob is also making plans to obtain a turned vase with a brass plazue to be presented to the winner of Best of Show. He also has some ideas about a different presentation for the winner of the Cook's Choice.
***He suggested that we send personal invitations to the Spokane carving club, because of their enthusiastic support of our show.
***A chain-saw carved bench by Butch Elrod will be offered for auction to the public during the coming year. It will be displayed at different local businesses throughout the year, the first being Meyers Auto Tech. The winner will be drawn at the November, 2011 business meeting. Tickets will be $5 each. The cost to obtain a license for a public auction is $58, and the limit is $5000 in profits.
THE TREASURER'S REPORT was given by Arlene Spaulding.
NEWSLETTER EDITOR'S REPORT - Jimee Hurst asked if everyone got the letter to members regarding the election of officers, since a new mailing list was used. All present said they received it.
The 30 soap carving kits for children, containing 3 wooden tools, a bar of soap and patterns, are being made. Don is making the tools, and patterns are being printed by Charlene. 30 bars of Ivory soap have been purchased. Cost for each kit is running about $2.00 to $2.50 each. These will be sold at the spring show for $5 each.
Arlene suggested that incoming officers start keeping a hard copy of any club business transactions in a file for future reference. She made the motion, Jim Boynton seconded it, and it was unanimously passed.
We have two new members: Bob Manship and Catherine Segovia.
NEW OFFICERS were elected as follows:
President - Janet Boynton
Vice President - Bob Gough
Secretary - Jimee Hurst
Treasurer - Catherine Segovia
After a break, a vote was taken for approval of the expenses to be paid for the raffle of the bench.
The CHRISTMAS POTLUCK was discussed. Funds were approved to pay for plates and plastic utensils.
RAFFLE WINNERS were Jim Boynton, Jean Manship, Barb Pentecost and Mark Green.
Those attending were:
Arlene Spaulding, Barb Pentecost, Mark Green, Vi Hiltwein, Wally Walters, Roy LaMunyon, Ellen Berg, Irene Braach, Dave Mitchell, Don Schnell, Charlene & Ivan Brown, Janet & Jim Boynton, Jimee & Jack Hurst, Jean Manship, Shirley Carlson, Catherine Segovia and Bob Gough. Plus visitors Walt Braach, Sheri Mitchell and Anne Walters.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Put this on your calendar - our POTLUCK CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held at Tri-Tech on DECEMBER 9th at 6 p.m. Bring your favorite food to share, and if you want to participate in the "Chinese gift exchange," bring a wrapped gift (not to exceed $10 in value).
We have had some response to the letter sent out last week regarding the election of officers. Several people have come forward to indicate their willingness to serve; if anyone else still wants to be placed on the ballot, please call Ivan Brown at 628-3516.
The next monthly meeting is THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 7 p.m. at the Tri Tech campus. Please come, lend your support and cast your vote.
The next monthly meeting is THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 7 p.m. at the Tri Tech campus. Please come, lend your support and cast your vote.
Ivan Brown opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. He asked first for a report from Bob Gough.
Bob has been talking to Butch Elrod (chairsaw carver at our March show) about making a bench with caricatures at both arm rests. He will verify the cost so that the club can decide whether to raffle it to the public, through White's, Milne, Columbia Grain & Feed, etc. Mark questioned what the State rules on a raffle offered to the public would be. The discussion was tabled until further information can be obtained.
Bob would like large posters for the Spring Show that has information on the show, location, chainsaw exhibition, pictures, and that lunch is available.
Ivan reported on the soap carving kits for kids for the Spring Show - Don Schnell has half of the tools made. Instructions have been printed, 25 for sale and the balance on the kids' carving table. Expense is approx. $2.50 to $3.25 depending on the cost of boxes to be used.
Bob said that he didn't know how or who to contact for judges for the Spring Show. It was suggested that Betty Pitzer or Ron Lunde could be of assistance.
Tri-Tech radio promotional carving is going to be made by Neil Wesche.
The Treasurer's report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
Election of officers could not be held due to not having anyone that has agreed to hold the offices of President, Secretary and Treasurer. Bob Gough has agreed to stay in office as Vice President.
It was decided that a letter be mailed to all club members on the need to have officers for the club to continue.
Bob would like to see some activity on Saturdays for members to carve, since many people who work can't attend the carving classes offered at the Senior Center on Wed. and Fri.
Neil Wesche is offering to host carving at his home studio/garage. He has researched what other clubs do, and thinks that this would help create another avenue for interested carvers.
Bob said that he has talked to those involved in woodturning about creating a turned vase like the one that was presented at the Spokane for Best of Show. It could have a small engraved plate on it.
Those in attendance were Barb Pentecost, Bob Gough, Mark Green, Wally Walters, Jerry Johnson, Roy LaMunyon, Larry Musen, Dave McMyler, Neil Wesche, Merle Wesche, Ivan Brown and Arlene Spaulding. The raffle was held after a break for refreshments, but the names of the winners were not recorded, since Arlene had to leave prior to that.
Minutes taken by Arlene Spaulding
Bob has been talking to Butch Elrod (chairsaw carver at our March show) about making a bench with caricatures at both arm rests. He will verify the cost so that the club can decide whether to raffle it to the public, through White's, Milne, Columbia Grain & Feed, etc. Mark questioned what the State rules on a raffle offered to the public would be. The discussion was tabled until further information can be obtained.
Bob would like large posters for the Spring Show that has information on the show, location, chainsaw exhibition, pictures, and that lunch is available.
Ivan reported on the soap carving kits for kids for the Spring Show - Don Schnell has half of the tools made. Instructions have been printed, 25 for sale and the balance on the kids' carving table. Expense is approx. $2.50 to $3.25 depending on the cost of boxes to be used.
Bob said that he didn't know how or who to contact for judges for the Spring Show. It was suggested that Betty Pitzer or Ron Lunde could be of assistance.
Tri-Tech radio promotional carving is going to be made by Neil Wesche.
The Treasurer's report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
Election of officers could not be held due to not having anyone that has agreed to hold the offices of President, Secretary and Treasurer. Bob Gough has agreed to stay in office as Vice President.
It was decided that a letter be mailed to all club members on the need to have officers for the club to continue.
Bob would like to see some activity on Saturdays for members to carve, since many people who work can't attend the carving classes offered at the Senior Center on Wed. and Fri.
Neil Wesche is offering to host carving at his home studio/garage. He has researched what other clubs do, and thinks that this would help create another avenue for interested carvers.
Bob said that he has talked to those involved in woodturning about creating a turned vase like the one that was presented at the Spokane for Best of Show. It could have a small engraved plate on it.
Those in attendance were Barb Pentecost, Bob Gough, Mark Green, Wally Walters, Jerry Johnson, Roy LaMunyon, Larry Musen, Dave McMyler, Neil Wesche, Merle Wesche, Ivan Brown and Arlene Spaulding. The raffle was held after a break for refreshments, but the names of the winners were not recorded, since Arlene had to leave prior to that.
Minutes taken by Arlene Spaulding
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Building Y, Spokane Community College
PUMPKIN CARVING Oct. 23, 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Ron Lunde's, 2008 S. Fruitland, Kennewick. BYO pumpkin and tools.
30TH ANNUAL SHOW & SALE, Western WA Fairgrounds,
Red Gate on 9th SW, Puyallup. New location, in the
Restaurant Building. c.l.harkness@att.net
FEB. 26 & 27 IDAHO ARTISTRY IN WOOD, Holiday Inn Convention
2011 Center, 3300 Vista Ave., Boise roseboise@yahoo.com
Building Y, Spokane Community College
PUMPKIN CARVING Oct. 23, 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Ron Lunde's, 2008 S. Fruitland, Kennewick. BYO pumpkin and tools.
30TH ANNUAL SHOW & SALE, Western WA Fairgrounds,
Red Gate on 9th SW, Puyallup. New location, in the
Restaurant Building. c.l.harkness@att.net
FEB. 26 & 27 IDAHO ARTISTRY IN WOOD, Holiday Inn Convention
2011 Center, 3300 Vista Ave., Boise roseboise@yahoo.com
The meeting was called to order by President Ivan Brown. The Treasurer's report will be given later.
...Vice President, Bob Gough had numerous reports on coming events. Coming right up is the Heritage Days at Sacajawea Park. Bob is signing up carvers to demonstrate and advertise the club for all three days, Sept. 24, 25 and 26.
...Same weekend, Saturday only, is the Kennewick Woodworkers' and Street Fair. Carvers are needed to demonstrate and advertise the club. Bob has fliers for the spring show to hand out.
...OCTOBER 1, 2, 3 is the SPOKANE SHOW. Vi and Ellen will be collecting your entries no later than the 22nd (or the 29th, as a very last resort) and take them to the show the day before it opens. Entry fee is $4 per item.
...October 23 - Pumpkin carving 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Ron Lunde's, 2008 S. Fruitland, Kennewick. BYO pumpkin and tools.
...Charlene Brown is negotiating for a room for the Christmas party for December 9 at Tri-Tech.
...The Prospectus needs to be revised. Vi, Jerry, Ivan and Ron will review it and recommend updates.
...A committee is needed to come up with nominees for President and Recording Secretary. Also, Arlene can't serve a 3rd year as Treasurer because of by-law restrictions. She will assist anyone who agrees to take this job.
...Spring Show: it isn't too early to begin to plan. It was moved by Barb, seconded by Vi, and approved to keep the same entry fees and admission fees as in the past. ***The cancer survivor group is nearly defunct, and didn't use their free tickets last year, so we will not send them this year. ***Bob will talk to Becky in food services at Tri-Tech, for lunches and snacks to be available. *** The idea of asking local businesses to donate to the show in return for advertising was discussed. No motions were made, and no decision reached. ***Bob needs someone to handle advertising. Some suggested venues are the Herald, "Around the Town," Giant Nickel, art galleries, shop windows, libraries and radio. ***Neil is doing a carving to donate. *** Kay will be in charge of getting the ribbons, and Charlene will head up the raffle again this year. ***We need people to do demonstrations, such as chain-saw carving, etc.
***Ron brought a soap carving kit as an idea to give to children at the show, or to sell. The club name can be attached. The tools are made from wood on a router. Several people have routers, but need instruction on how to use them.
...Rendezvous June 10 - 11, 2011. Set-up June 9th. Building one is available to us again. The map needs to be revised, and Bob could use some help with this.
...In July a gallery in Prosser has a street event for artists to demonstrate and sell. It was suggested that some carvers might be interested in this, and advertise the club as well.
...The raffle was won by Jack, Neil and Charlene. Coffee next month will be provided by Mark.
... The Treasurer's Report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
Attending the meeting weremembers Jean Manship, Roy LaMunyon, Vi Hiltwein, Ellen Berg, Neil Wesche, Mark Green, Jack & Jimee Hurst, Barb Pentecost, Bob Gough, Wally Walters, Charlene & Ivan Brown, Arlene Spaulding. Guests, Genevieve LaMunyon, Ron Lunde
...Vice President, Bob Gough had numerous reports on coming events. Coming right up is the Heritage Days at Sacajawea Park. Bob is signing up carvers to demonstrate and advertise the club for all three days, Sept. 24, 25 and 26.
...Same weekend, Saturday only, is the Kennewick Woodworkers' and Street Fair. Carvers are needed to demonstrate and advertise the club. Bob has fliers for the spring show to hand out.
...OCTOBER 1, 2, 3 is the SPOKANE SHOW. Vi and Ellen will be collecting your entries no later than the 22nd (or the 29th, as a very last resort) and take them to the show the day before it opens. Entry fee is $4 per item.
...October 23 - Pumpkin carving 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Ron Lunde's, 2008 S. Fruitland, Kennewick. BYO pumpkin and tools.
...Charlene Brown is negotiating for a room for the Christmas party for December 9 at Tri-Tech.
...The Prospectus needs to be revised. Vi, Jerry, Ivan and Ron will review it and recommend updates.
...A committee is needed to come up with nominees for President and Recording Secretary. Also, Arlene can't serve a 3rd year as Treasurer because of by-law restrictions. She will assist anyone who agrees to take this job.
...Spring Show: it isn't too early to begin to plan. It was moved by Barb, seconded by Vi, and approved to keep the same entry fees and admission fees as in the past. ***The cancer survivor group is nearly defunct, and didn't use their free tickets last year, so we will not send them this year. ***Bob will talk to Becky in food services at Tri-Tech, for lunches and snacks to be available. *** The idea of asking local businesses to donate to the show in return for advertising was discussed. No motions were made, and no decision reached. ***Bob needs someone to handle advertising. Some suggested venues are the Herald, "Around the Town," Giant Nickel, art galleries, shop windows, libraries and radio. ***Neil is doing a carving to donate. *** Kay will be in charge of getting the ribbons, and Charlene will head up the raffle again this year. ***We need people to do demonstrations, such as chain-saw carving, etc.
***Ron brought a soap carving kit as an idea to give to children at the show, or to sell. The club name can be attached. The tools are made from wood on a router. Several people have routers, but need instruction on how to use them.
...Rendezvous June 10 - 11, 2011. Set-up June 9th. Building one is available to us again. The map needs to be revised, and Bob could use some help with this.
...In July a gallery in Prosser has a street event for artists to demonstrate and sell. It was suggested that some carvers might be interested in this, and advertise the club as well.
...The raffle was won by Jack, Neil and Charlene. Coffee next month will be provided by Mark.
... The Treasurer's Report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
Attending the meeting weremembers Jean Manship, Roy LaMunyon, Vi Hiltwein, Ellen Berg, Neil Wesche, Mark Green, Jack & Jimee Hurst, Barb Pentecost, Bob Gough, Wally Walters, Charlene & Ivan Brown, Arlene Spaulding. Guests, Genevieve LaMunyon, Ron Lunde
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Meeting was called to order by Ivan Brown.
Arlene Spaulding gave the Treasurer's report.
Vice President, Bob Gough, reported and opened discussion on a variety of topics. The first event coming up is Heritage Days at Sacajawea Park on Sept. 24, 25 and 26. Carvers are invited to demonstrate their skills, especially on the opening day which is mainly for school children. We need to get busy on give-aways for this event. It was suggested that small flowers will be quick and easy. Ellen Berg will make blanks from wood donated by Shirley Carlson. Mark Green has offered to airbrush them.
Also on Sept. 25 is the Woodcrafters Street Fair in Kennewick. More details on that coming soon.
Next up is the SPOKANE ARTISTRY IN WOOD show on Oct. 1, 2 and 3. Entries will be taken over for those who can't attend. The cost is $4 per entry. Spokane supports our show, so let's show our support for theirs.
After the holidays we will be preparing for our show on March 18, 19 and 20. Be thinking about how you can volunteer to help - it takes a lot of people to run a show the size of ours. We were short-handed in several areas last year, but especially in clean-up, loading and hauling the club materials back to storage after the show. We must have people who are willing and able to do this important job.
There was some discussion on whether or not carvers can sell their work at the show. The consensus of opinion was that each seller would need to handle his own display, sales and taxes, if applicable. Those selling would have to be present at all times that their items are on display. Table rent is $15.00 per table.
Barb Pentecost suggested that members remember to park away from the building after unloading their belongings, so that visitors to the show can park closer.
June 10, 11 and 12 (Set-up on Thurs., 9th) We received a lot of positive feedback on our recent Rendezvous. Many have signed up already to return next spring. It isn't too early to start thinking about helping out by teaching or organizing and keeping things running.
Bob also report on his experiences at the recent NORTHWEST CARVING ACADEMY in Ellensburg. Several of our members also attended, and generally good reports were given. Most have signed up already to attend again next year.
A call was received from a representative of the SONS OF NORWAY. Their Nordic Festival is coming up on Oct. 16 and 17 at the Fairgrounds, and they are looking for someone to demonstrate chip carving. Ivan will call Juan Marin and see if he is interested.
Will Hayden called and sends greetings to our club members. Even though he is no longer able to travel here to attend, he has been a big supporter of our club, our shows and is a generous supplier of unique and popular carvings for our raffles.
Club Dues.... Those who receive mailed copies of the club newsletter and Minutes will notice their renewal date on their address labels. The rest, who get the blog online will have to be aware of their own due dates. If there is no response for two months after a membership expires, you will be dropped from the active members list and dropped from the mailing list.
The winners of the raffles were won by Neil, Jimee and Jack.
Attending were members Arlene Spaulding, Ivan & Charlene Brown, Jimee & Jack Hurst, Roy La Munyon, Ellen Berg, Neil and Marle Wesche, Shirley Carlson, Vi Hiltwein, Barb Pentecost, Mark Green and Bob Gough, and guest, Genevieve LaMunyon.
Our thanks to the Kennewick Senior Center for allowing us to meet at their facility for the summer.
Meeting was called to order by Ivan Brown.
Arlene Spaulding gave the Treasurer's report.
Vice President, Bob Gough, reported and opened discussion on a variety of topics. The first event coming up is Heritage Days at Sacajawea Park on Sept. 24, 25 and 26. Carvers are invited to demonstrate their skills, especially on the opening day which is mainly for school children. We need to get busy on give-aways for this event. It was suggested that small flowers will be quick and easy. Ellen Berg will make blanks from wood donated by Shirley Carlson. Mark Green has offered to airbrush them.
Also on Sept. 25 is the Woodcrafters Street Fair in Kennewick. More details on that coming soon.
Next up is the SPOKANE ARTISTRY IN WOOD show on Oct. 1, 2 and 3. Entries will be taken over for those who can't attend. The cost is $4 per entry. Spokane supports our show, so let's show our support for theirs.
After the holidays we will be preparing for our show on March 18, 19 and 20. Be thinking about how you can volunteer to help - it takes a lot of people to run a show the size of ours. We were short-handed in several areas last year, but especially in clean-up, loading and hauling the club materials back to storage after the show. We must have people who are willing and able to do this important job.
There was some discussion on whether or not carvers can sell their work at the show. The consensus of opinion was that each seller would need to handle his own display, sales and taxes, if applicable. Those selling would have to be present at all times that their items are on display. Table rent is $15.00 per table.
Barb Pentecost suggested that members remember to park away from the building after unloading their belongings, so that visitors to the show can park closer.
June 10, 11 and 12 (Set-up on Thurs., 9th) We received a lot of positive feedback on our recent Rendezvous. Many have signed up already to return next spring. It isn't too early to start thinking about helping out by teaching or organizing and keeping things running.
Bob also report on his experiences at the recent NORTHWEST CARVING ACADEMY in Ellensburg. Several of our members also attended, and generally good reports were given. Most have signed up already to attend again next year.
A call was received from a representative of the SONS OF NORWAY. Their Nordic Festival is coming up on Oct. 16 and 17 at the Fairgrounds, and they are looking for someone to demonstrate chip carving. Ivan will call Juan Marin and see if he is interested.
Will Hayden called and sends greetings to our club members. Even though he is no longer able to travel here to attend, he has been a big supporter of our club, our shows and is a generous supplier of unique and popular carvings for our raffles.
Club Dues.... Those who receive mailed copies of the club newsletter and Minutes will notice their renewal date on their address labels. The rest, who get the blog online will have to be aware of their own due dates. If there is no response for two months after a membership expires, you will be dropped from the active members list and dropped from the mailing list.
The winners of the raffles were won by Neil, Jimee and Jack.
Attending were members Arlene Spaulding, Ivan & Charlene Brown, Jimee & Jack Hurst, Roy La Munyon, Ellen Berg, Neil and Marle Wesche, Shirley Carlson, Vi Hiltwein, Barb Pentecost, Mark Green and Bob Gough, and guest, Genevieve LaMunyon.
Our thanks to the Kennewick Senior Center for allowing us to meet at their facility for the summer.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Y'LL COME TO THE MEETING THIS THURS. AUG. 19, 7 p.m. at the Senior Center, Kennewick.
You may think that "No news is good news." But that definitely is not true if you happen to be a newsletter editor. Seems summer is a comparatively quiet time for woodcarvers - certainly, many are out of town on vacation trips. Our Wed. classes are going strong, though, so come on in at 1 p.m., at the Senior Center to see most of your friendly regulars, and get some good instruction.
Meantime, if you have any news to share with TCWC members, call Jimee at (509) 396-9495, or email at JimeeL@aol.com
Did you know that you can view this blog ANY TIME YOU WANT TO? You don't have to wait for an email announcement - you can tune in on any day at any time. Of course, this is a slow news time, so there aren't many changes - but come fall, things will start gearing up again.
Last month's minutes follow this - please remember to come to the Aug. meeting Thurs., 19th at 7 p.m., Kennewick Senior Center.
You may think that "No news is good news." But that definitely is not true if you happen to be a newsletter editor. Seems summer is a comparatively quiet time for woodcarvers - certainly, many are out of town on vacation trips. Our Wed. classes are going strong, though, so come on in at 1 p.m., at the Senior Center to see most of your friendly regulars, and get some good instruction.
Meantime, if you have any news to share with TCWC members, call Jimee at (509) 396-9495, or email at JimeeL@aol.com
Did you know that you can view this blog ANY TIME YOU WANT TO? You don't have to wait for an email announcement - you can tune in on any day at any time. Of course, this is a slow news time, so there aren't many changes - but come fall, things will start gearing up again.
Last month's minutes follow this - please remember to come to the Aug. meeting Thurs., 19th at 7 p.m., Kennewick Senior Center.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Minutes of July Meeting
July 15, 2010, TCWC meeting at the Kennewick Senior Center
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Arlene Spaulding. There were 10 people present.
The financial report was given. Vi will do the annual audit of the books.
Arlene is making an updated list of members and dues dates, so the correct dates should be on future newsletter mailing labels.
Arlene has purchased plastic boxes to be used for items in the storage area. The cardboard boxes were falling apart.
Information re: the show and rendezvous must be submitted to the carving magazine by Sept. to be included in the Dec. issue.
We welcomed one new member, John Goodell.
Trustees need to be appointed next month. They prepare the slate of officers for the next election.
Ivan said he has heard from several people with favorable comments about the rendezvous. They are planning to return next year.
Raffle winners - Len and Mark. Remember, winners bring items for next month's raffle.
Attending the meeting were: Ivan Brown, Charlene Brown, Roy LaMunyon, Ellen Berg, Mark Green, Len Daugherty, Arlene Spaulding and Vi Hiltwein. Guests attending: Genevieve LaMunyon and Catherine Segovia.
Respectfully submitted
Ellen Berg
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Arlene Spaulding. There were 10 people present.
The financial report was given. Vi will do the annual audit of the books.
Arlene is making an updated list of members and dues dates, so the correct dates should be on future newsletter mailing labels.
Arlene has purchased plastic boxes to be used for items in the storage area. The cardboard boxes were falling apart.
Information re: the show and rendezvous must be submitted to the carving magazine by Sept. to be included in the Dec. issue.
We welcomed one new member, John Goodell.
Trustees need to be appointed next month. They prepare the slate of officers for the next election.
Ivan said he has heard from several people with favorable comments about the rendezvous. They are planning to return next year.
Raffle winners - Len and Mark. Remember, winners bring items for next month's raffle.
Attending the meeting were: Ivan Brown, Charlene Brown, Roy LaMunyon, Ellen Berg, Mark Green, Len Daugherty, Arlene Spaulding and Vi Hiltwein. Guests attending: Genevieve LaMunyon and Catherine Segovia.
Respectfully submitted
Ellen Berg
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tri-Cities Woodcarvers would like to express our apprecitaion to all the carving instructors at the Rendezvous. It was all a great success due to their time and expertise. Thank you notes were sent to the visiting instructors: Gil Drake, Dave Disselbrett, Mel Wheatley, Eric Owen, Chris McBride. Our local instructors were Juan Marin, Ron Lunde, Vi Hiltwein, Ellen Berg, Jack Hurst, Barb Pentecost and Bob Gough.
Thanks also to the following for conducting classes and giving demonstrations: Jimee Hurst, Pat Bennett, Rose Davidson, Mark Green and the Tri-City Woodturners Assoc.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by President, Ivan Brown. There were 14 members present. Ivan announced that he would not be running for president next year.
Discussion of the Rendezvous: 87 people were registered. We received many favorable comments from the participants.
Suggestions for the future:
...We need to get information out on websites, regarding instructors, classes, etc.
....More help is needed at the raffle table - someone must be there at all times. Many tickets were sold while classes were in session.
...The demonstrations (wood turning and air brush) were well received.
The facility was excellent. Arlene suggested that we should check in at the fair office at the end of the year to schedule the dates for next year. Maybe they can arrange a favorable price for us to use the same building again next year.
Fred Holder, of Snohomish, who donated the turned balls inside balls to the raffle has offered to bring his lathe next year and demonstrate the process for making them.
Financial Report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
Contact Jimee Hurst if you have information to go out on the blog or the printed newsletter. JimeeL@aol.com or (509) 396-9495
Bob Gough wants to set up a Saturday gathering for local carvers as well as those from surrounding areas - Oregon, Walla Walla, etc. He would like help and suggestions re: location, classes, etc.
Neil Wesche said he has been asked to teach classes on power carving. He is still working on his workshop area in his home. When it is finished, he will have space for people to come and carve with power.
Heritage Days will be in September. The downtown Kennewick event will be the same weekend.
Members attending were: Neil Wesche, Bob Gough, Barb Pentecost, Shirley Carlson, Mark Green, Roy LaMunyon, Ellen Berg, Mick Wise, Wally Walters, Ivan Brown and Arlene Spaulding. Guest: Ron Lunde.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Ellen Berg
Thanks also to the following for conducting classes and giving demonstrations: Jimee Hurst, Pat Bennett, Rose Davidson, Mark Green and the Tri-City Woodturners Assoc.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by President, Ivan Brown. There were 14 members present. Ivan announced that he would not be running for president next year.
Discussion of the Rendezvous: 87 people were registered. We received many favorable comments from the participants.
Suggestions for the future:
...We need to get information out on websites, regarding instructors, classes, etc.
....More help is needed at the raffle table - someone must be there at all times. Many tickets were sold while classes were in session.
...The demonstrations (wood turning and air brush) were well received.
The facility was excellent. Arlene suggested that we should check in at the fair office at the end of the year to schedule the dates for next year. Maybe they can arrange a favorable price for us to use the same building again next year.
Fred Holder, of Snohomish, who donated the turned balls inside balls to the raffle has offered to bring his lathe next year and demonstrate the process for making them.
Financial Report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
Contact Jimee Hurst if you have information to go out on the blog or the printed newsletter. JimeeL@aol.com or (509) 396-9495
Bob Gough wants to set up a Saturday gathering for local carvers as well as those from surrounding areas - Oregon, Walla Walla, etc. He would like help and suggestions re: location, classes, etc.
Neil Wesche said he has been asked to teach classes on power carving. He is still working on his workshop area in his home. When it is finished, he will have space for people to come and carve with power.
Heritage Days will be in September. The downtown Kennewick event will be the same weekend.
Members attending were: Neil Wesche, Bob Gough, Barb Pentecost, Shirley Carlson, Mark Green, Roy LaMunyon, Ellen Berg, Mick Wise, Wally Walters, Ivan Brown and Arlene Spaulding. Guest: Ron Lunde.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Ellen Berg
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
If you see the caption "Picture," or a bunch of these ?????, or just a blank where a name should be, you'll know that I either haven't met that person, know their faces, but not their names .... or know them as well as I know my own family, but am having a senior moment. Please help - email me (JimeeL@aol.com) and fill in the blanks. Thanks for your help!
A note from Charlene Brown: "We would like to thank all who brought the nice things for the raffle at the 2010 Rendezvous. Cascade Carvers, Drake Knives, Designs in Woods, Fan Carvers World, Washington Hardware, Will Hayden, Jensen Hardwood, Jerry Johnson, Irene Braach, Pat Bennett, Rose & Jerry Davidson, Frank & Arlene Spaulding, Ivan & Charlene Brown, Neil Wesche, Van DeWitt, Dave Disselbrett, Gerre Conway, Barb Pentecost, Vi Hiltwein, Mel Wheatley, Jean Manship, Roy LaMunyon, Mark Green, Jack & Jimee Hurst, Dave & Shirley Carlson, Bob Ridkin, Fred Holder, John Dysert, Chris McBride."
There were 63 items, which were much appreciated. A big thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets. The proceeds go to paying the Rendezvous expenses.
There were 63 items, which were much appreciated. A big thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets. The proceeds go to paying the Rendezvous expenses.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The 2010 Rendezvous was a big success, thanks to the excellent work done by Chairman Bob Gough, and President Ivan Brown. They had a crew of very capable helpers, and you can find out who they were, read about them and see pictures here next week. Meantime, your editor has a house full of company, so there will be no printed newsletter this month, and the blog news will be delayed.
May Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by the President, Ivan Brown.
Treasurer's Report was given by Arlene Spaulding
The April minutes were approved as published in the newsletter and blog.
Bob Gough gave a report on the progress in setting up the Rendezvous. The leaders of the carving sessions on Friday and Saturday are as follows: Dave Disselbrett, Caricatures; Mel Wheatley, Relief, Vi Hiltwein & Ellen Berg, Animal Caricatures; Bob Gough, Heart; Paul Jones, Bark House; Barb Pentecost, Chip Carving; Jack Hurst, Horse; Ron Lunde, Face; Chris McBride, Caricatures; Gil Drake, Caricature; Lori Leach
For those who attend the Rendezvous, but do not carve, there will be Woodburning by Patsy Bennett, and Beading by Rose Davidson and Jimee Hurst. There will also be a Woodturning demonstration on Friday by members of the woodturning club. Mark Green will demonstrate air brushing on Saturday.
Hospitality Table will be set up by Shirley Carlson. The Raffle will be organized by Charlene Brown. Barb Pentecost will direct registrations.
There will be a Pot Luck dinner on Friday, and a Barbecue on Saturday. Sunday morning's closing session will be a team competition.
Arlene notified the police department of the schedule, as required by law.
We received a Thank You note from the Franklin Co. Historical Society for the carving exhibit our club put together at the Pasco City Hall. Also a Thank You from Ron and Linda Lunde for a well-run and successful spring show.
Wally Walters brought carvings he had collected from Third World Countries, and pointed out the different techniques used. He also told about his interest in carving since the age of about 5 years. His first carving was from the New York World's Fair. His uncle traveled around the world and sent carvings, most notably from Africa. He showed a carving made from an elephant tusk. Also a nara wood water buffalo carved in the Philippines. Carvings from China were very detailed, and the ones of people showed very thin bodies with ribs showing. The carvings from Mexico were very colorfully painted.
The general raffle prizes were won by Bob, Jimee, Barb and Mick.
The meeting was called to order by the President, Ivan Brown.
Treasurer's Report was given by Arlene Spaulding
The April minutes were approved as published in the newsletter and blog.
Bob Gough gave a report on the progress in setting up the Rendezvous. The leaders of the carving sessions on Friday and Saturday are as follows: Dave Disselbrett, Caricatures; Mel Wheatley, Relief, Vi Hiltwein & Ellen Berg, Animal Caricatures; Bob Gough, Heart; Paul Jones, Bark House; Barb Pentecost, Chip Carving; Jack Hurst, Horse; Ron Lunde, Face; Chris McBride, Caricatures; Gil Drake, Caricature; Lori Leach
For those who attend the Rendezvous, but do not carve, there will be Woodburning by Patsy Bennett, and Beading by Rose Davidson and Jimee Hurst. There will also be a Woodturning demonstration on Friday by members of the woodturning club. Mark Green will demonstrate air brushing on Saturday.
Hospitality Table will be set up by Shirley Carlson. The Raffle will be organized by Charlene Brown. Barb Pentecost will direct registrations.
There will be a Pot Luck dinner on Friday, and a Barbecue on Saturday. Sunday morning's closing session will be a team competition.
Arlene notified the police department of the schedule, as required by law.
We received a Thank You note from the Franklin Co. Historical Society for the carving exhibit our club put together at the Pasco City Hall. Also a Thank You from Ron and Linda Lunde for a well-run and successful spring show.
Wally Walters brought carvings he had collected from Third World Countries, and pointed out the different techniques used. He also told about his interest in carving since the age of about 5 years. His first carving was from the New York World's Fair. His uncle traveled around the world and sent carvings, most notably from Africa. He showed a carving made from an elephant tusk. Also a nara wood water buffalo carved in the Philippines. Carvings from China were very detailed, and the ones of people showed very thin bodies with ribs showing. The carvings from Mexico were very colorfully painted.
The general raffle prizes were won by Bob, Jimee, Barb and Mick.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Rendezvous Schedule of Carving Sessions
Here are the carving sessions offered at the Rendezvous:
Dave Disselbrett
Dave Disselbrett - Caricatures
Mel Wheatley - Relief
Vi & Ellen - Animal Caricature
Bob Gough - Heart
Dave Disselbrett - Caricatures
Paul Jones - Bark House
Barb Pentecost - Chip Carve
Jack Hurst - Horse
Lori Leach
Dave Disselbrett - Caricatures
Mel Wheatley - Relief
Vi & Ellen - Caricature
Ron Lunde - Face
Dave Disselbrett - Caricature
Chris McBride - Caricature
Gil Drake - Caricature
Jack Hurst - Horse
Lori Leach
Team Competition
For those attending who do not wish to carve, here are some activities that might interest you:
Woodburning - Patsy Bennett - Open table, work on techniques, no project planned
Bead Classes - All day Friday and Saturday. Jimee Hurst & Rose Davidson -Instruction for beginners on some basic peyote and bead embroidery. If you're already an experienced beader, bring your projects and bead along with us.
Wood Turning Demo - Friday evening, 4 to 6 pm
Air Brush Demo - Mark Green - Saturday evening 4 to 6 pm
POT LUCK 6:00 pm Friday
BARBECUE 6:00 pm Saturday
Friday, May 28, 2010

It's all about location ..... location ...... location!!!!! Still at the FAIRGROUNDS, but our old venue will not be available because of landscaping work, so we have been UPGRADED (at no extra cost!!!!!) to BUILDING #1 AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE FAIRGROUNDS. Enter at the West gate as usual, and look for signs at the end of the road pointing to the LEFT to the new location.
Building #1 is an 80 x 100 enclosed building with 20' sliding doors at the West and East ends, with 8' doors on the North and South sides. There are restrooms and showers directly behind the building. There is AIR CONDITIONING if it is hot, and we can close the doors if it is windy!!!!
RV's can park on the NORTH side and the WEST side of the building in the grassy areas.
Bob, Ivan, Charlene and Arlene walked the area with the rental administrator, and were very pleased with the upgrade in location. WE'RE MOVIN' ON UP!!!!!
Here's a map (I hope) showing the route to the new location:
Building #1 is an 80 x 100 enclosed building with 20' sliding doors at the West and East ends, with 8' doors on the North and South sides. There are restrooms and showers directly behind the building. There is AIR CONDITIONING if it is hot, and we can close the doors if it is windy!!!!
RV's can park on the NORTH side and the WEST side of the building in the grassy areas.
Bob, Ivan, Charlene and Arlene walked the area with the rental administrator, and were very pleased with the upgrade in location. WE'RE MOVIN' ON UP!!!!!
Here's a map (I hope) showing the route to the new location:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
TCWC NEWS May, 2010
Andy Howell was the speaker at last month's meeting; he brought us some great information on combining wood carving with clay modeling. This sparked a lot of interest, with several people following up in the Wed. class with more clay show-and-tell ideas and questions. Andy also spoke on making and using glass or clay eyes in carvings, and had some good hand-outs on how to use facial expressions in carving. THANKS, ANDY!!!!
A BIG THANK YOU also to the nice and generous - but mysterious - person who brought cookies and coffee to the April meeting. We never did find out who did that, but we're really grateful. There were no sign-ups for May - but who knows??????
Don't forget our
Thurs., May 20, 7 p.m.
At Tri-Tech Skills Center
Kellogg at Metaline
Our speaker this month will be club member, Wally Walters. He has been collecting wood and ivory carvings from all over the world for many years, and will bring some and tell about them.
The biggest topic on the meeting agenda this month is, of course, the RENDEZVOUS. Here's what my dictionary says about this interesting word: (ron'da voo) an agreement between two or more persons to meet at a certain time and place. Well, that sounds simple, doesn't it? Read on to learn about how very much more work it takes to make a successful Rendezvous.
June 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2010
Benton County Fairgrounds
Kennewick WA
Chairman, Bob Gough, is reporting good progress on the planning of the Rendezvous, having signed up at least 5 instructors of carving with the possibility of several more. He has also lined up a couple of beading classes and one on basket weaving for the non-carvers in attendance. There is always room for more, so if you would like to volunteer in any of these areas, please call Bob at (509) 628-1493 or email bag@clearwire.net
There will also be several demonstrations, including one by Mark Green, who will bring his air-brush equipment and show us how it's used. The Wood Turners Club has agreed to bring a lathe and give a demonstration also. If you, or someone you know, would like to demonstrate any carving-related activities, call Bob.
Two dinners will be served - a potluck and a barbecue. Mark Green has volunteered to head up the barbecue ... many thanks, Mark! He will need some help.....
The hospitality table will be set up with donated snacks, water, sodas and coffee. Help is needed to set up and clean up. Also donations of food....
Charlene Brown is taking donations for the raffle. We always have good success with this, so keep those items coming. She will also need some help selling tickets, etc......
Call or email Bob if you plan to help for any of the above. There are plenty of jobs for everyone!
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the president, Ivan Brown. He explained that, since the speaker for the evening was not a member of the club, he would be allowed to give his presentation first, before the business meeting. He then introduced Andy Howell, who is known to most of us from the Wed. class, and who has extensive experience as a carver, glass artist and multi-media innovator.
Andy told of his work combining carving with clay applications, and explained how to accomplish this, showing some carved bark turtles with clay tiles on the shells. He discussed various ways to make eyes using glass and clay. A part of his presentation was on the fact that facial expressions play a bigger part in displaying emotion than the eyes themselves. he brought examples and duplicated handouts to illustrate the points he covered. Thank you, Andy, for a most instructive 30 minutes!
After a short break, the business meeting began at 7:45. Treasurer, Arlene Spaulding, thanked all who contributed to the success of the March show. She presented the Reconciliation Report, which showed that we covered our expenses and we have available funds to put toward the Rendezvous.
Arlene moved that we donate $50 to the Tri-Tech culinary class for their food service during the show. Seconded by Jerry Johnson and unanimously accepted.
Vi Hiltwein moved that we pay $50 to Ed Daley for his radio club, for their service to our show. Seconded by Mark Green and unanimously accepted.
Arlene brought up the fact that the fee for our storage space is $50 per month.
The Minutes of the March meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter.
Mark Green reported that he still has duplicate books in the library supply, and will bring them to the Rendezvous to share there.
Ivan Brown asked if anyone had any questions or suggestions for next year's show. Jerry Johnson asked why there were so few vendors this year. There were many opinions on why some of the previous vendors had not attended this year. One was going out of business, and others didn't come due to the economy. Carvers and guests are generally spending less money on hobbies, making it less profitable to travel and transport large amounts of supplies.
RENDEZVOUS Ivan ran down the list of volunteers needed for the event. He also reminded the group that we will need about $100 to rent a refrigerator for the food. The Barbecue rental will be $50.
There are 5 carving instructors signed up for classes so far, and more are needed. There will be a couple of beading classes and one of basket weaving for the non-carvers.
Members were reminded to be planning to bring food for the potluck on Friday, snacks, water and sodas for the hospitality table, and all kinds of items for the raffle.
Members attending the April meeting were: Ivan Brown, Arlene Spaulding, Wally Walters, Jerry Johnson, Don Schnell, Jack Hurst, Jimee Hurst, Ellen Berg, Vi Hiltwein, Shirley Carolson, Roy LaMunyon, Irene Braach, Mark Green and Barb Pentecost.
Guests attending: Sharon Villegas, Catherine Segovia
***********END OF MAY NEWS**********
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The 2010 Artistry in Wood show is now history. Chairman, Bob Gough worked hard and long to see that everything went off as planned - and by all accounts, this is exactly what happened. Thank you, Bob, for a great job!!!! Thanks also to the various committee members who worked just as hard on each assigned task.
We are especially grateful to all the merchants, members and friends who donated items for the raffle. This is the part of the show that we rely on to cover the expenses, and with over 100 items donated this year, the final accounting should look pretty good.
The NON-CLUB MEMBER DONORS to whom we send our heartfelt thanks are as follows:
We are especially grateful to all the merchants, members and friends who donated items for the raffle. This is the part of the show that we rely on to cover the expenses, and with over 100 items donated this year, the final accounting should look pretty good.
The NON-CLUB MEMBER DONORS to whom we send our heartfelt thanks are as follows:
Will Hayden, Jerry & Rose Davidson, Bob Gough, Jerry Johnson, Frank Spaulding, Irene Braach, Ivan & Charlene Brown, Pat Bennett, Jim & Janet Boynton, Jean Manship, Jack & Jimee Hurst, Barb Pentecost, Don Schnell, Nita Silvers, Carmen Stowers, Dave Carlson, Roy LaMunyon, Lori Leach, Vi Hiltwein.
Next On The Schedule…..
Don’t forget the
Thurs., April 15, 7 PM
At Tri-Tech Skills Center
Kellogg at Metaline
Kennewick WA
After a short business session, our speaker will be Andy Howell, who is an accomplished carver, glass and multi-media artist with a fantastic imagination. Come and hear him talk about “EYES AND TURTLES, ETC.” Andy will expand upon (among quite a few other things) the poetic idea of “eyes being the window of the soul” and how this can be applied to wood carving.

Will Hayden, Jerry & Rose Davidson, Bob Gough, Jerry Johnson, Frank Spaulding, Irene Braach, Ivan & Charlene Brown, Pat Bennett, Jim & Janet Boynton, Jean Manship, Jack & Jimee Hurst, Barb Pentecost, Don Schnell, Nita Silvers, Carmen Stowers, Dave Carlson, Roy LaMunyon, Lori Leach, Vi Hiltwein.
Next On The Schedule…..
Don’t forget the
Thurs., April 15, 7 PM
At Tri-Tech Skills Center
Kellogg at Metaline
Kennewick WA
After a short business session, our speaker will be Andy Howell, who is an accomplished carver, glass and multi-media artist with a fantastic imagination. Come and hear him talk about “EYES AND TURTLES, ETC.” Andy will expand upon (among quite a few other things) the poetic idea of “eyes being the window of the soul” and how this can be applied to wood carving.

13th Annual Rendezvous
Looking ahead……
June 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2010
Benton County Fairgrounds
Kennewick WA
Time is getting short for the planning that remains to be done to make this a success. We are hearing from carvers from other states and Canada already, so it’s time to put the final touches on the program. There are still a few “job opportunities” open, so please consider volunteering to assist at one - or some - of the following:
Class Instructors - we still need some help here. If you can teach a 2 to 3 hour class, please let Bob Gough know as soon as possible. His phone number is (509) 628-1493
Hospitality table - donations of snacks, water, sodas and coffee. Also help with setting up and cleaning up.
We will be serving two dinners - a Potluck and a Bar-B-Que. We need planners, cooks and servers for these.
June 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2010
Benton County Fairgrounds
Kennewick WA
Time is getting short for the planning that remains to be done to make this a success. We are hearing from carvers from other states and Canada already, so it’s time to put the final touches on the program. There are still a few “job opportunities” open, so please consider volunteering to assist at one - or some - of the following:
Class Instructors - we still need some help here. If you can teach a 2 to 3 hour class, please let Bob Gough know as soon as possible. His phone number is (509) 628-1493
Hospitality table - donations of snacks, water, sodas and coffee. Also help with setting up and cleaning up.
We will be serving two dinners - a Potluck and a Bar-B-Que. We need planners, cooks and servers for these.
It has been suggested that we serve hot dogs for lunches. Cooks and table attendants will be needed for this. Or if you have ideas for another kind of lunch, bring your ideas to Bob.
We are famous for our great raffles, and have already received some donations toward this one. More items are needed.
Free, short (2 to 3 hours) classes will be offered, as will a number of free hands-on tutorial sites for drop-ins to sit down and actually carve or wood-burn, depending on the availability of presenters.
RV Sites and restroom facilities are available. Charges for the campsites are $10/night with water and power and $6/night for Rvs and tents with no hookups. All sites will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. No reservations will be taken except for instructors.
TCWC Officers:
Ivan Brown, Pres. Ilcfb@msn.com
Bob Gough, V.P. bag@clearwire.net
Arlene Spaulding, Treas. Gemini6535@msn.com
Jimee Hurst, Newsletter Editor JimeeL@aol.com
We are famous for our great raffles, and have already received some donations toward this one. More items are needed.
Free, short (2 to 3 hours) classes will be offered, as will a number of free hands-on tutorial sites for drop-ins to sit down and actually carve or wood-burn, depending on the availability of presenters.
RV Sites and restroom facilities are available. Charges for the campsites are $10/night with water and power and $6/night for Rvs and tents with no hookups. All sites will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. No reservations will be taken except for instructors.
TCWC Officers:
Ivan Brown, Pres. Ilcfb@msn.com
Bob Gough, V.P. bag@clearwire.net
Arlene Spaulding, Treas. Gemini6535@msn.com
Jimee Hurst, Newsletter Editor JimeeL@aol.com
Coming Events
April 17 - 18 Southcoast Woodcarvers Annual Show & Sale
North Bend Community Center, 2222 Broadway 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free
Rick Miller (541) 260-5328
April 24 - 25 Quilceda Carvers 25th Artistry in Wood, Pioneer Museum
20722 67th Ave. NE Arlington WA Sat. 10 - 6, Sun. 10 - 4
Don Miller (425) 359-0019
May 8 Central Fraser Valley "Art of the Carver" Show
Ag Rec Center, Abbotsford BC Canada
May 15 - 16 Northwest Driftwood Artists
Driftwood Sculpture Show 10am - 6pm
23718 7th Ave. SE, Bothell WA Free.
Sue Banks (360) 659-6164
May 29 - 30 Richmond Carvers Society 21st Carvers Show
Richmond BC Canada www.richmondcarvers.ca
July 11 - 15 Northwest Carving Academy
County Fairgrounds, Ellensburg WA
Gil Drake (360) 659-6778
Ron Lunde (509) 585-7787
North Bend Community Center, 2222 Broadway 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free
Rick Miller (541) 260-5328
April 24 - 25 Quilceda Carvers 25th Artistry in Wood, Pioneer Museum
20722 67th Ave. NE Arlington WA Sat. 10 - 6, Sun. 10 - 4
Don Miller (425) 359-0019
May 8 Central Fraser Valley "Art of the Carver" Show
Ag Rec Center, Abbotsford BC Canada
May 15 - 16 Northwest Driftwood Artists
Driftwood Sculpture Show 10am - 6pm
23718 7th Ave. SE, Bothell WA Free.
Sue Banks (360) 659-6164
May 29 - 30 Richmond Carvers Society 21st Carvers Show
Richmond BC Canada www.richmondcarvers.ca
July 11 - 15 Northwest Carving Academy
County Fairgrounds, Ellensburg WA
Gil Drake (360) 659-6778
Ron Lunde (509) 585-7787
TCWC March 2010 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Ivan Brown, President.
February minutes were not read, but approved as written in the newsletter.
Treasurer’s report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
Spring Show report was given by Bob Gough.Show Set-up to be Friday beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Shirley Carlson will be in charge of the Hospitality Table. Please bring snacks and drinks.
Entries - Vi Hiltwein stated that as of today, 137 entries were reregistered, with an additional 17 for display only.
Signs - Carl Kinne will get the outdoor signs and set them up.
Ribbons - Kay Bleiler said that the ribbons had been purchased. She added later in the meeting that the ribbons not used at the show (and put in storage) need to be laid flat and not doubled over; many hours are required to iron them if not.
Advertisement of the show - Bob Gough placed ads in the Tri-City Herald, Giant Nickel. The reader boards at Meyer Auto Tech and Tri-Tech Skills Center are displaying our show information.
Free Admission Tickets were made and one each handed out to all members available. Tickets were also given to persons who made donations.
Tri-Tech Cafeteria was contacted by Vi Hiltwein and they will be open Saturday and Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Members were encouraged to use the cafeteria, since they are providing our club a service outside their normal hours of school.
Charlene Brown reported on the Raffle. As of today we have 54 items for the table. Additional items are expected on Friday.
Notification to Law Enforcement of our event and raffle was given to the Kennewick Police Department by Arlene Spaulding.
Liability Insurance coverage for our even was obtained by Arlene Spaulding and given to Tri-Tech Skills Center.
Steve Mech will have the computer and software on Friday for entrant information; free admission tickets will be given to his family for their assistance in getting this important portion of our show done.
Sue Jensen said she would be here on Friday to enter all the entrant information on the computer software.
TCWC will have a table for carving and members were encouraged to bring their tools, gloves and thumb guards. We want to convey the need for safety when carving.
TCWC Information table will have for sale wooden earrings, hand sanders and hats.
Barb Pentecost, volunteer chairman, stated that she needed to have volunteers for a Judge’s helper and 8 other slots that need to be filled due to Mark Green having an unexpected operation.
Rendezvous report - leasing fee of $583 is due 4-1-10..
Will Hayden has donated a handmade knife for club members’ raffle. He requested that it be raffled to carvers only. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The knife will be raffled at the May meeting. If you think you might not be attending, put your name and phone number on the ticket.
TCWC screen hats were sold. $11 for 2-tone hats and $10 for solid khaki hats.
Meeting Attendance: Barb Pentecost, Ron Lunde, Wally Walters, Bob Gough, Roy LaMunyon, Shirley Carlson, Irene Braach, Ivan Brown, Charlene Brown, Don Schnell, Jimee Hurst, Ellen Berg, Carl Kinne, Vi Hiltwein, Kay Bleiler, Jack Hurst, Len Daugherty, Neil Wesche and Arlene Spaulding. Guests: Marilyn Neavill and Catherine Segovia.
Meeting raffle was held. I did not get the names of the items and winners.
Minutes taken and submitted by Arlene Spaulding, temporary Secretary
February minutes were not read, but approved as written in the newsletter.
Treasurer’s report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
Spring Show report was given by Bob Gough.Show Set-up to be Friday beginning at 1:00 p.m.
Shirley Carlson will be in charge of the Hospitality Table. Please bring snacks and drinks.
Entries - Vi Hiltwein stated that as of today, 137 entries were reregistered, with an additional 17 for display only.
Signs - Carl Kinne will get the outdoor signs and set them up.
Ribbons - Kay Bleiler said that the ribbons had been purchased. She added later in the meeting that the ribbons not used at the show (and put in storage) need to be laid flat and not doubled over; many hours are required to iron them if not.
Advertisement of the show - Bob Gough placed ads in the Tri-City Herald, Giant Nickel. The reader boards at Meyer Auto Tech and Tri-Tech Skills Center are displaying our show information.
Free Admission Tickets were made and one each handed out to all members available. Tickets were also given to persons who made donations.
Tri-Tech Cafeteria was contacted by Vi Hiltwein and they will be open Saturday and Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Members were encouraged to use the cafeteria, since they are providing our club a service outside their normal hours of school.
Charlene Brown reported on the Raffle. As of today we have 54 items for the table. Additional items are expected on Friday.
Notification to Law Enforcement of our event and raffle was given to the Kennewick Police Department by Arlene Spaulding.
Liability Insurance coverage for our even was obtained by Arlene Spaulding and given to Tri-Tech Skills Center.
Steve Mech will have the computer and software on Friday for entrant information; free admission tickets will be given to his family for their assistance in getting this important portion of our show done.
Sue Jensen said she would be here on Friday to enter all the entrant information on the computer software.
TCWC will have a table for carving and members were encouraged to bring their tools, gloves and thumb guards. We want to convey the need for safety when carving.
TCWC Information table will have for sale wooden earrings, hand sanders and hats.
Barb Pentecost, volunteer chairman, stated that she needed to have volunteers for a Judge’s helper and 8 other slots that need to be filled due to Mark Green having an unexpected operation.
Rendezvous report - leasing fee of $583 is due 4-1-10..
Will Hayden has donated a handmade knife for club members’ raffle. He requested that it be raffled to carvers only. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The knife will be raffled at the May meeting. If you think you might not be attending, put your name and phone number on the ticket.
TCWC screen hats were sold. $11 for 2-tone hats and $10 for solid khaki hats.
Meeting Attendance: Barb Pentecost, Ron Lunde, Wally Walters, Bob Gough, Roy LaMunyon, Shirley Carlson, Irene Braach, Ivan Brown, Charlene Brown, Don Schnell, Jimee Hurst, Ellen Berg, Carl Kinne, Vi Hiltwein, Kay Bleiler, Jack Hurst, Len Daugherty, Neil Wesche and Arlene Spaulding. Guests: Marilyn Neavill and Catherine Segovia.
Meeting raffle was held. I did not get the names of the items and winners.
Minutes taken and submitted by Arlene Spaulding, temporary Secretary
Monday, March 8, 2010
SHOW TIME!!!!!!!!
16th Annual Tri-Cities Woodcarvers’
Saturday, March 20, 9 AM to 5 PM
Sunday, March 21 9 AM to 4 PM
Tri-Tech Skills Center
Kellogg at Metaline
Kennewick WA 99336
Registration Fri., Mar. 19 4 PM - 8 PM
Show chairman, Bob Gough
(509) 628-1493
Members and helpers will meet at noon on Friday to set up tables and prepare the exhibit spaces.
This will be our last chance to bring up any concerns or ideas that need to be considered for the show. Therefore we will not be having a demonstration this month. It is very important that every member possible attend this meeting.
Pre-registration of Show entries - Vi Hiltwein (509) 582-5737 Fill out entry form and attach check, mail to P.O. Box 6962, Kennewick 99336. Entries will be checked in at the Tri-Tech Skills Center of Friday, March 19th at 4:00.
Show Raffle - Bring your donation to Charlene Brown ASAP. (509) 628-3516. Donations can also be brought to Tri-Tech on Friday, March 19.
Hospitality Table - Please bring snacks, bottled water or soda. Shirley Carlson will be in charge of the table and will have coffee. THIS IS FOR FRIDAY ONLY while the workers, entrants and judges are getting set up.
Folding Tables - WE WILL BE SHORT ABOUT 8 TABLES. If you have a 6 ft. or 8 ft. folding table, PLEASE BRING IT ON FRIDAY. Mark it with your name in large letters so it can be separated from the Tri-Tech tables during close-up on Sunday at 4:00.
We have received a note from Kathy Estrada, who is the site manager for Meals on Wheels at the Kennewick Senior Center. Lunch is served there on Wednesdays, just before the carving class. She would like to invite all those attending class to come at 11:30 and have lunch.
The staff at Meals on Wheels are dedicated to providing balanced meals in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Suggested donation is $2.75 if you are 60 or older. For those younger than 60 the fee is $7.15.
Please call the Senior Center at least 24 hours ahead for reservations.
Next time you are at the Senior Center, pick up a copy of the Feb. 2010 Central Washington SENIOR TIMES. There is a very nice article about Roy LaMunyon, Vi Hiltwein and Ellen Berg.
TCWC Officers:
Ivan Brown, Pres. Ilcfb@msn.com
Bob Gough, V.P. bag@clearwire.net
Arlene Spaulding, Treas. Gemini6535@msn.com
Jimee Hurst, Newsletter Editor
13th Annual Rendezvous
June 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2010
Benton County Fairgrounds
Kennewick WA
If you got last month’s newsletter, you already know all of this, but just to refresh your memory, and to acquaint new members with this activity, here’s the basic information:
Our goal is to provide an informal forum for carvers, potential carvers and friends to gather and socialize, exchange carving techniques and ideas and to generally promote carving.
Free, short (2 to 3 hours) classes will be offered as will a number of free hands-on tutorial sites for “drop-ins” to sit down and actually carve or wood-burn, depend-ing on the availability of presenters.
RV Sites and restroom facilities are available. Charges for the campsites are $10/night with water and power and $6/night for RVs and Tents with no hook-ups. All sites will be available on a first-come first-serve basis. No reservations will be taken except for instructors.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Ivan Brown.
The Secretary’s report was not given because it was in the newsletter and with no objections, they were approved as written.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Arlene Spaulding.
MARCH SHOW: Bob Gough reported as follows:
Vendors Ron Lunde
Judges Ron Lunde (Judges are John Dysert, Federal Way WA; Gene Fuller, Boise, ID; Jerry Poindexter, Spokane WA.)
Hotel Accommodations Bob Gough (Guesthouse on Clearwater - 2 nights for 3 judges, $419.34; each judge is given $200 for expenses.)
Show Entries Vi Hiltwein is in charge of pre-registration of show entries.
Advertising Bob Gough contacted Tri-City Herald (Wed. & Thurs. and in “Around the Town”), Giant Nickel and Tri-Tech Skills Radio. Bob showed the ad for the papers; Tri-Tech Radio will contact Lori Leach for an interview about the carving she is donating for the radio promotion.
Ribbons Kay Bleiler (Ribbons have been ordered from Flying Colors Screen Printing.)
Prospectus 410 copies were made and mailed. (Mailing list from membership & associate list, 2009 show entry list, 2009 Rendezvous list and prior years’ prospectus list.)
Show Computer Software Steve Mech will provide computer, show software program and family members to take care of the setup and printing.
Entry Information for Judges Sue Jensen
Tri-Tech Cafeteria Vi Hiltwein contacted Becky (Culinary class instructor.) They will open the cafeteria on Sat. & Sun., 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM. It was suggested that we make a contribution to the class for their volunteer work of preparing and serving food.
Raffle Charlene Brown - requested that raffle donations be brought to her as soon as possible for raffle cup labeling.
Volunteers for Show Barb Pentecost has schedule for Friday setup, admission desk, entry registration desk judge’s assistants, display room monitors. It was decided that non-members of the club who volunteer to help will also be most welcome.
TCWC Carving Table Ellen Berg is making cutouts of Mushroom key chains, 3-pointed Stars and 5-minute Owls for carvers to work on during the show. Members, bring your knives and gloves to carve at the table. Bring a table mat to protect the table.
Table Covers Bob is purchasing table covers for the show tables.
Hospitality Table Friday Only Shirley Carlson. Club members to bring snacks, bottled water and pop.
TCWC Information Table Brochures made by Arlene, sale of 8-point star earrings and TCWC hats.
Demonstration Butch Elrod will demonstrate chainsaw carving out front.
RENDEZVOUS RECAP: Benton Fairgrounds will mail us the lease. A deposit of $250 is required (refundable after event), rental cost is $583 which includes 30 tables, 20 picnic tables and 100 chairs.
SECRETARY POSITION still not filled. Arlene Spaulding brought this to the attention of the club that she will do the Secretary duties until after the show, then the position needs to be filled.
NEWSLETTER is temporarily being published in two formats - a Word document for mailing, and a blog for those who have email. The content is the same. Jimee is working on finding and learning a program whereby only one form will work for both mailing lists on her computer.
NEW BUSINESS Welcome to new members:
Neil and Merle Wesche
Connie Schlosser
Arlene asked whether a condensed version of the minutes would be acceptable. Ellen stated that many members who cannot attend our meetings due to travel or health problems depend on the minutes as a means of keeping informed on club business. The consensus of the members was to try to keep the minutes informative, but more concise.
Ivan brought information from Flying Colors Screen-Printing for hats, shirts and vests with club logo printing. It was agreed that we purchase 2 dozen winter hats and that those who want to order a shirt or have their vests printed contact Bob Gough.
Meeting Attendance: Barb Pentecost, Tony Steffen, Bob Gough, Ellen Berg, Vi Hiltwein, Irene Braach, Ivan Brown, Charlene Brown, Shirley Carlson, Roy LaMunyon, Merle Wesche, Neil Wesche, Wally Walters, Larry Musen, Jimee Hurst, Jack Hurst, Connie Schlosser, Carl Kinne, Mark Green, Jerry Johnson
Announcements: Cheryl Flint wrote to say “Hi” to everyone, and sent her new mailing address. Jack Schneider wrote to say “Hi” also.
Waterfowl Woodworks will take orders before the show by phone or on their website, and bring the order to the show, which saves freight costs.
Demonstration by Barbara Pentecost on Chip Carving Barb had many chip carvings to display, and brought us many practical tips to help turn out better chip carvings..
There were no signups for refreshments for the March meeting.
Raffle items were won by Neil Wesche, Jimee Hurst, Connie Schlosser, Charlene Brown, and Jack Hurst
Saturday, February 13, 2010
16th Annual Tri-Cities Woodcarvers'
Juried Show and Sale
Saturday, March 20, 2010 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010 9 AM - 4 PM
Registration Friday, March 19, 20104 PM to 8 PM
Tri-Tech Skills Center
Kellogg at Metaline
Kennewick WA 99336
Start planning now to participate in the club's annual show and sale - as an exhibitor, vendor, volunteer worker - there's a spot for everyone.Show chairman is Bob Gough (509) 628-1493
The club business meeting is on the third Thurs. of each month, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Tri-Tech Skills Center. Kellogg at Metaline, Kennewick. After the business portion is over, there will be a demonstration. Our February speaker will be Barb Pentecost, who will give a presentation on chip carving.
Carving classes are held each Wed. afternoon, 1 to 3 p.m. at the Kennewick Community Center. These classes are open to all levels of carvers, and each person is encouraged to work on his/her own special project. Vi and Ellen are on hand to give instruction.
A more formal class, with everyone working on the same project is held on Friday mornings, 9 to 11 (same place.) There are a few sessions left in this term, then some time off. Watch for the starting date of the next class.
It is not necessary to be a member of the club to attend these classes.
If you have experience teaching carving and would like to share your expertise with others, please contact Bob Gough (509) 628-1493 or Ivan Brown (509) 628-3516 See details below.
13TH Annual Rendezvous
June 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2010
Benton County Fairgrounds
Kennewick WA
Our goal is to provide an informal forum for carvers, potential carvers and friends to gather and socialize, exchange carving techniques and ideas and to generally classes will be offered as will a number of free,hands-on tutorial sites for “drop-ins” to sit down and actually carve or wood-burn, depending on the availability of presenters.
RV sites and restroom facilities are available. Charges for the campsites are $10/night with water and power and $6/night for Rvs and tents with no hookups. All sites will be available on a first-come first-serve basis. No reservations will be taken except for instructors.
Holiday Inn Convention Center
3300 Vista Ave.,
Boise, Idaho
Contact: Douglas Rose 208.387.0492Mmm2000@comcast.net
Mar. 13, 14 …Kitsap County WoodcarversJuried Show and Sale
West SideImprovement Club,
Bremerton WA
Contact: Mark Campbell 360.337.1162https://sites.google.com/site/kitsapcarvers
Mar. 20, 21 … Tri-Cities WoodcarversArtistry in Wood
Juried Show and Sale
Tri-Tech Skills Center, Kellogg at Metaline,
Kennewick WA
Contact: Bob Gough 509.638.1493 bag@clearwire.net
April 10, 11 … Vancouver Island Woodcarvers
Brant Festival WildlifeWoodcarving Show
Canadian FishCarving Championship,
ParksvilleCommunity Center,
Parksville BC,Canada
Contact Les Trelenbert 250.898.8887
May 8 … Central Fraser Valley Wood Carvers“Art of the Carver” Show
Ag Rec. Center, Abbotsford, BC Canadahttp://www.centralfraservalleywoodcarvers.com/
May 15, 16 …Northwest Driftwood ArtistsDriftwood Sculpture Show
Courtyard Hall in Country Village
23718 7th Ave. SE,
Bothell WA
Contact: Sue Banks 360.659.6164
June 10-13 … Tri-Cities WoodcarversAssn. 13th Annual Rendezvous
Ben Franklin Fairgrounds,
Kennewick WA.
Contact: Ivan Brown 509.628.3516Ilcfb@msn.com
or Bob Gough509.585.1493 bag@clearwire
TRI-CITIES WOODCARVERS ASSOCIATION JANUARY MEETING MINUTES January 21, 2010 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Ivan Brown, President. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer report was given by Treasurer, Arlene Spaulding. Members at the meeting: Wally Walters, Bob Gough, Mark Green, Jerry Johnson, Ivan and Charlene Brown, Vi Hiltwein, Ellen Berg, Shirley Carlson, Roy LaMunyon, Jack and Jimee Hurst, Carl Kinne, Barb Pentecost and Arlene Spaulding.
Old Business: Bob Gough gave a report on the March show. He has a poster being made for distribution to businesses; contacted the Giant Nickel and Tri-City Herald; ribbons are being ordered by Kay Bleiler; Vi Hiltwein is doing the pre-registration of entries, Barbara Pentecost is handling the volunteer schedule; Shirley Carlson will host the Hospitality table; the Prospectus was made at the UPS store at a cost of 32¢ each (printing by retail printers cost 56¢ each) and they were mailed to all members, associates and carving clubs; Charlene Brown will be chairman for the raffle and items for raffle were requested from members (carved items are great for the raffle); Vi Hiltwein will contact the Tri-Tech cafeteria about having food available; Steve Mech to be contacted for the use of his computer, software program for the show and the assistance of his family members to run the program; Sue Jensen to be contacted on entering the entry information in the program for the judges; the need for volunteers for the Friday setup of tables which will begin at approximately 12:00 pm and the request for members to bring 6’ - 8’ tables for use at the show (Tri-Tech is furnishing 30).
Bob said that he had received a Thank You letter from the Heritage Days organization for the club’s participation at their show at Sacajawea Park. The club was also congratulated for the carving display that was at the Pasco City Hall, many positive remarks were given.
Arlene reported that the Woodcarvers Illustrated, Chip Chats, Carvers Magazine and the carvings clubs were sent our March show information and the June Rendezvous information for inclusion in their publications.Arlene reported that she has been in contact with the B-F Fairgrounds about the dates for the Rendezvous, the request for tables and picnic tables and that a shelter for dogs may be built at the west end of the area that we use. (Note: The dog shelter will not be built in this area, the B-F Fair Board declined the City of Kennewick’s request after our meeting was held).
Bob gave a report on the instructors that have been contacted for the Rendezvous. It was requested that the club newsletter include the request for instructors for our June Rendezvous.
New Business: Vi Hiltwein said that she had contacted the screen printer that had done our club logo in prior years and they still have our logo available. She will get a quote for hats, shirts and vests to be printed.
Ivan Brown brought up for discussion whether our monthly meeting speakers and demonstrators that were not members be given the time prior to the business meeting to conduct the demonstration. It was suggested that we ask them to come at 7:30 pm or 8:00 pm to allow the business meeting to be held first. The discussion was tabled to a later meeting.
Mark Green said that he has gone through our club library and all duplicates have been taken out. It was suggested that the duplicates be given away at the March show.
Jimee Hurst said that the newsletter has not gone out for November/December due to the computer repairman not showing up as scheduled. She rescheduled the required work and will have a newsletter out as soon as possible.
Jerry Johnson donated a full box of walnut display pieces (½ rounds with bark and flat pieces) to anyone that would like to use them. All of the pieces were taken by members.
Lori Leach has offered to make a Canadian goose and a Whistling Swan carving for the club. One will be given to Tri-Tech Radio for use by them in their radio promotion of our March show and the other will be used as a club raffle fundraiser.
Meeting Raffle: Bob won 2 oval display discs; Jerry won a ’Lil Guppie’ wrench; Charlene won a Hopi Indian carving book and Carl won a book - Time to Sharpen. All winners will bring an item for the next month’s raffle.
Meeting was closed and the club had refreshments before Vi’s demonstration.
Vi Hiltwein gave a demonstration she called “A Little Bit About This and That”. Vi began with telling the club how she and Ellen began woodcarving and displayed her 1st woodcarving (a vintage Santa) that she made in 1991 from a piece of oak and a dull knife. She began to show the members what she keeps in her carving box. A nutmeg grader and yellow stone for sharpening her tools; bendable ruler, brush to clean out grooves in carving; sharp ice pick to make holes for adding legs, whiskers, etc., paint tape for marking spiral designs; gum rubber to clean sandpaper; reading glasses that can be used instead of head visor; nail punch for making eyes; surgical blades; ponce wheels for making stitch marking on carving; pipe cleaners (take off the fuzz to use as spider legs or worms); push pins to leave indents for eyes; adjustable Xacto blade holder to use for small drills when you can’t use power to drill; squares of clear plastic to draw design (save clear plastic from purchased items that have plastic sections on box) and the drawings can be used for both sides of a carving which makes the sides identical. The demonstration was very humorous because there were stories that went with many of the items Vi uses.Vi then showed how she paints eyes (she gets asked about this all the time). She had visual displays of the steps. Base - light flesh color, 2nd was painting white in the eye location, using a light blue for the iris, pupil marking and using a blue Micro pen on outside of the iris and then putting on the ‘accent’ mark. She uses pastel chalk to put blush to the cheeks. Sign and date each piece that you carve. An Identipen is the best because it doesn’t bleed on the wood, T & L Office supply has them.Vi then handed out the ‘leftover’ pieces that come from the cutouts that Ellen makes with the scroll saw. Every piece was different and we were to mark all of the creatures, people and items that we could see on the piece we were given. We were to use both sides because different things could be seen on the reverse side. After everyone marked the pieces with what they saw, we then showed our piece and what we saw in it. As a group, we have great imaginations! This was a fun finish to the evening.Barb Pentecost will give a Chip Carving demonstration at the February meeting.Minutes taken by Arlene Spaulding..
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