Sunday, December 18, 2011

Membership, Blogging, and FaceBook.

Hello!  My name is Butch Elrod and I have volunteered to take over as Administrator for this Blog.  I will be posting meeting minutes and other club business or announcements.  I also have some suggestions for changes or additions which I think would make this blog into a better resource for members and for the club.  For starters, I've opened a poll which you can answer on the right of this page. 
Membership Suggestion
It's generally to the benefit of any club to continually grow it's membership.  These days, just about anyone under the age of 50 expects to be able to buy anything they want online.  This includes club memberships.  If this club would like to offer membership through this blog, I can arrange that.  The most simple method would be to open a free PayPal account and offer both single purchase membership and subscription membership {automatic annual renewal} using a PayPal button(s).  Anything else the club sells {hats, tshirts, videos?} can also be sold and donations accepted online using PayPal. 

FaceBook Suggestion 
FaceBook has taken over the online social networking world and many small business have closed their business website in favor of a FaceBook account.  Not to sell from there but rather to promote and network.  It seems to me that if you're not using FaceBook, you're probably using flint tools to carve wood too.  ;-)  I think the Tri-Cities Woodcarving Club can use FaceBook for member networking and to attract new members. 

After looking at past blog postings, it seems the blog is used to report club business more than anything else. And that is what the blog is best suited for...  If the club officers want, or however is the correct way to decide this, I can open an Official Tri-Cities Woodcarving Club FaceBook group account.  Members can interact, post pictures, ask/answer questions, et cetera, et cetera.  A FaceBook presence would also make it easier for new or wannabe carvers to find the club.  Official club business can remain on the blog. 

Please post any comments below.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bench Raffle Winner for 2011

The winner of our carved bench raffle is Quenda Johnson of Longview, WA. Thanks to Bob Gough for hauling the bench around to various ticket selling locations and for delivering the bench to Quenda in Biggs Junction, Oregon.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

TCWC Christmas party 2011

I'm moving some photos from the menu bar on the right into regular posts to help streamline the page and archive the photos.

TCWC Christmas party 2011 - Photos

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Our annual Christmas dinner will be at 6 p.m. this Thurs. evening, (Dec. 8) at Tri Tech.
Please bring the following:
....A main dish, a salad or a dessert to share
....Your own plates and silverware
....A wrapped gift - not to exceed $10. (No white elephants, please.) We'll do a fun "Chinese gift exchange" as usual.
Come prepared to have a good time!

Friday, November 18, 2011

MEETING MINUTES, Nov. 17, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by President, Janet Boynton. There were 18 in attendance. Janet read a letter of resignation from Jimee Hurst, secretary.

The Treasurer's report was given. Storage building fees were paid. $620 was deposited at the bank, which was the result of the chain saw bench raffle. Len also resigned as Treasurer, but will be around to help. He also announced his upcoming marriage and invited all the woodcarvers to the celebration. Date to be announced later.

Library: Books are at Len Daugherty's house. Call him if you would like to check out books. There is a list available.

Show: Two judges, Terry Porter and Gordon Day have been confirmed. Jerry & Judith Dilley will handle the advertising; Charlene Brown, the raffle; Ron Lunde, vendors; Vi Hiltwein, Pre-registration; Betty Pitzer, mail-ins. Arlene Spaulding & Connie Schlosser will work on the Prospectus and judges' sheets & computer needs.

Chain sawed bench raffle: $1530 tickets sold, $400 to Butch Elrod for carving the bench. The winning ticket, #290, was sold to Quenda Johnson of Longview WA. No phone number was listed, but the winner will be contacted. David Searles, the Tri-Tech janitor, did the drawing for us.

A motion was made by Vi Hiltwein for the club to donate $50.00 to Hospice at the Tri-City Chaplaincy in memory of Steve Mech. Motion carried.

The Christmas party will be at Tri-Tech. Dec. 8 at 6 p.m. Potluck, Chinese gift exchange, with a $10 limit. (No white elephants, please.)

Bob Gough: Butch Elrod will be willing to do another chain sawn raffle item. We will need club members to help sell tickets and to move the item around the various locations in the Tri-Cities and Prosser. He hopes to have it done for the show, and possibly draw the winner at the Rendezvous.

The club raffle took in $12.00; winners were Shirley Carlson, Catherine Segovia, Bob Gough & Charlene Brown.

Submitted by Vi Hiltwein

Monday, November 7, 2011


We have once again lost a fellow member who gave so much to this club. Steve Mech was a teacher who enjoyed carving and tried to share that enjoyment with each one of us. He had quite the wry sense of humor and it caught one by surprise at times. He made me a bit nervous when he'd look over my shoulder to see what I was carving, but he was also very good to share his knowledge. Steve will be missed.

There has been a lot of activity among the carvers - Jerry and Judith having their work judged in Yakima and chosen to be in the museum, and Neal, Connie & Bob being part of the Art Walk in Kennewick. Bob and Ron were interviewed and filmed carving pumpkins for TV with Halloween in mind.

Several have been on the sick list ... Ivan, Charlene, Jimee, Jack, Vi, Janet, Merle and Heil. We wish them back to good health soon.

Please plan to attend the Nov. meeting for the bench drawing and hopefully, new officers. These are needed right away to fill several offices. (Thank you to Connie for taking the minutes at the last meeting.) For the club to move on with planning the carving show, members need to step up to the plate.

As your outgoing President, I want to thank Bob, our V.P., Jimee, our Secretary, and Len, our Treasurer, for the hard work they did for the past year. I think we all learned a lot, and had lots of sideline help.

Thank you to the club for the chance to be your President. I am truly sorry that I need to step down, but health issues have gotten in the way of my doing the job as it needs to be done. Please help find replacements for the vacant offices.
Janet Boynton


The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.
...A coffee carafe was donated for our refreshments.
...The drawing for the bench raffle will be at the November meeting.
...KNDU had an interview with Ron Lunde and Bob Gough carving pumpkins. It was shown on the 5 a.m. news. They got in a plug for the March show, and may connect to do a broadcast from there.
...The Treasurer's report was given. The storage unit payment was made.
...We received a letter from the Tri-Cities Cancer Center, thanking us for our donation.
...Our library is coming along - book lists are at Bob's house, Len's house, Charlene's house, and at Vi's at the Senior Center. New books were donated by Genevieve. Books may be borrowed by asking Len or Vi.
...We need a volunteer to take over the blog.

March show:
...Judges tentatively set up
...Changes to Prospectus - no guns, drugs, alcohol, tobacco
...Vi will do the carving for the radio giveaway
...Bob will do a memorial for Roy LaMunyon
...Connie will enter data for carving entries into Excel
...Bob, Connie & Arlene will meet and work out details for mailing list
...Date will be June 7, 8, 9 & 10, 2012

There is a need for new officers. Janet announced her need to end her term in December.

...Thank you from Richland Gardens for visit from carvers.
...Email from Will Hayden. Ron has a box of carvings for the March show. Thank you, Will!
...Several members carved at the County Fair in the Fine Arts Building. Judith & Jerry, Charlene & Ivan, Bob, Marty & Connie.
...Oct. 29th opening of the Yakima Valley Community College Larson Gallery. Know Hill Blvd & 16th St., Yakima. Judity Dilley and Jerry Johnson will have their art displayed.
...Heritage Days - Vi, Catherine, Jan & Barbara set up a table and had a great time.
...Raffle was held. Refreshments next month will be provided by Vi.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Schlosser, Acting Secretary

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Don't forget that the next meeting on Thurs. Sept. 15, will be back at TRI-TECH at 7 p.m.


The meeting was called to order by Barb Pentecost, who was sitting in for the president and vice president.

Coming events were discussed, including the Sept. 10 Downtown Kennewick/White's Unfinished Furniture woodworkers fair, which is rumored to have been cancelled. That will be investigated.

The Friday classes at the Kennewick Senior Center will resume on Sept. 23, 9 a.m. The class this session with be a Thunder Gourd. Bring your own gourds.

Len gave the Treassurer's report.

*Will Hayden had eye surgery. He can't read yet, but cards will be good later. His general condition is not good.
*Dave Disselbritt is doing well after having treatment for heart problems.
*Pencil boxes have been purchased and tools have been made for soap carving kits for sale at next year's show.
*TCWC Business meeting will be back at Tri-Tech in Sept.
*Veggies are free at Senior Center on Wed. Gardening was discussed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Sunday, August 7, 2011




The meeting was called to order by the Vice President, Bob Gough at 7:15 p.m. The financial statement by the Treasurer, Len Daugherty. There was no secretary report, and no Old Business.
The prospectus from Spokane has arrived.
There was a discussion re: the cost of the raffle tickets.
Bob had some carving opportunities for us:
Aug. 25 is Senior Day at the fair. Volunteers can sit at a table to demonstrate carving. He will also check about carvings for judging. 1 to 5 p.m., free admission tickets.
Aug. 30 Richland Life Care on Gage near fire station. Volunteers needed to show carvings and visit.
Sept. 10 Downtown Kennewick White's Woods and the Grape Festival 9 a.m. to approx. 3 p.m.
Sept. 23, 24 & 25 Heritage Days at Sacajawea Park. Bob will check if those days are free of charge before we commit.

Bob told a little about the week of carving at Ellensburg. All who went had a good time.

Bob will check with Tri-Tech re: our show dates (Mar. 16 - 18, 2012) and our meeting nights.

Ellen asked Charlene about the need for plastic school boxes for soap carving kits. All the club had were sold. She will pick up 10 boxes since school supplies are now on sale.

Nominating Committee: Jean Manship reported that she and Judith Dilley were unable to come up with a slate of officers.

Jerry Johnson and Judity Dilley were both selected to show their work in a juried art exhibit at Allied Arts this last month. Congratulations!

Raffle winners: Len Daugherty, Barbara Pentecost & Charlene Brown.

WE WERE ALL SADDENED BY THE PASSING OF ROY LaMUNYON. A motion was made, seconded and passed that a memorial ribbon be purchased in his name to be given at our next show in March. Genevieve will make the choice of the recipient.

Roy's niece, Martha McClintock, donated $25 to the club in his name. Vi will send a thank you to Martha and Gene McClintock.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the club send $50.00 to the Cancer Center in Roy's name.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Vi Hiltwein, Acting Secretary

Monday, August 1, 2011


Bob has put together the following list of upcoming events and invites everyone to participate.

AUGUST 25 Thurs. 1 to 5 p.m. Senior Day at the Benton County Fair. Bring a project and some carvings to show what we do. Indoors, with a work table. Not necessary to stay the full 4 hours.

AUGUST 30 Tues. 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Richland Life Care on Gage, just west of Keene near the fire station. We will carve and show our work to some of the residents. This has been a very satisfying event in the past.

SEPTEMBER 10 Downtown Kennewick. More info later on this. Street fair by White's Unfinished Furniture, all kinds of woodworking. Last year we carved and visited with the public, promoting TCWCA. The grape festival is in the next block, which also brings in a lot of people, so it is a good opportunity for us.

SEPTEMBER 23, 24 & 25 Fri., Sat., Sun. 9 to 5. Heritage Days at Sacajawea Park. Promoting woodcarving and TCWCA, we'll have a table with a canopy. Kids' day is Friday - there will be busloads of school kids, who often come back the next day with their families. The theme is Lewis & Clark Days, with lots of interesting demonstrations. Not necessary to be there all 3 days, or even all of one day. It would be good to have at least 4 people at the table at all times, though, so there will be a sign-up sheet.

Please let Bob know the events you can participate in. He will be pestering you if you haven't told him when you will be there. Call him at 628-1493 or email

Sunday, July 3, 2011


A great big thank you to everyone for donations to the raffle for this year's Rendezvous: Family of Martha Perkins, Will Hayden, Mel Wheatley, Pat Bennett, Jerry Johnson, Connie Schlosser, Jim & Janet Boynton, Len Daugherty, Roy LaMunyon, Sharon Villegas, Mick Wise, Wally Walters, Rose & Jerry Davidson, Jimee Hurst, Ivan Brown, Nita Silvers, Kay Bleiler, Byron Kinnaman, Arlene Spaulding, Vi Hiltwein, Ellen Berg, Neil Wesche, Barb Pentecost, Linda Lunde, Dave Disselbrett, Bob Gough, Shirley Carlson, Cascade Carvers, Lori Leach, Drake Knives, Bob Post, Eric Owens. Thanks also to everyone who bought tickets. The raffle was a big success.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Please notice the corrections for the Lower Columbia show - different date and phone number.

July 15 - 17 Olympic Driftwood Sculptors Art Show, Carlsborg Conference Center, Sequim WA. Barbara Ralph 360-681-2535

July 29, 30, 31 Quilceda Carvers Spit 'n' Whittle, Friday Creek Campground, Burlington WA

August 7 - 8 Silver Chips Woodcarving Show, Homer Davenport Days, Silverton OR 503-873-6390

Sept. 15 - 18 Oregon Woodcarver's Rendezvous, Canyonview Camp, Silverton OR Everett Koontz 503-581-8428

Sept. 24 - 25 Lower Columbia Woodcarvers 27th Show & Sale, Regional Conference Center (Expo Center) Longview WA 360-274-3175




We are happy to welcome new members Kendal Smith and Bill Anderson. Also new Associate members Lori Leach, Lynn Watson and Andy Howell.


JUNE 17, 2011
The meeting was called to order by the President, Janet Boynton, at 7:04 p.m. The Minutes of the May meeting were approved as published. There has been no executive committee meeting this month.

Janet asked for two volunteers to help with the nominating committee and audit. Jean Manship and Judith Dilley volunteered.

Secretary Jimee Hurst asked for a volunteer to take the minutes at the July meeting in her absence. Thanks to Vi Hiltwein for stepping in.


The Treasurer, Len Daugherty, gave his report. A letter from the Fairgrounds office was read, and a check for $250 was returned to the club. This was a cleaning deposit refund. Arlene Spaulding gave the Rendezvous expense reconciliation report.

Janet read Bob Gough's report on the Rendezvous in his absence. He has ideas for next year already. Arlene mentioned that her reception committee worked hard keeping things running smoothly at the door. Janet read some Thank You notes from out-of-town participants. There was a lively discussion on good points and things that didn't work so well.

Janet alerted members that they need to be thinking about volunteering to be an officer next year.
Arlene read a nice note from Will Hayden.
Ivan talked to Don Snelling - his wife has been very ill, but he hopes to return to Wed. carving soon.
The regular raffle was held.
Jean & Bob Manship will provide refreshments for the July meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Jimee Hurst, Secretary

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Thurs. June 9, 2011
Registration, camp site selection, carving with Dave Disselbrett
Introductions and renewing old acquaintances and, of course, open carving.

Friday, June 10
7:00 AM - 8:30 Breakfast by Jim, donations accepted.
8:30 AM - 9:00 Class drawing and sign up
9:00 AM - 12:00 Classes
1. Dave Disselbrett
2. Mel Wheatley, relief carving, continuing through afternoon
3. Connie Schlosser, face stick
4. Vi & Ellen
5. John Moreno
6. Janet Boynton, Kolrosing

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch by Jim, donations accepted

1:00 PM - 4:00 Classes
1. Dave Disselbrett
2. Mel Wheatley, continuation of morning session
3. Ron Lunde
4. Neil & Bob, Bark house
5. Barb Pentecost, chip carving
6. Jack Hurst

During the day, beading will be available for non-carvers.
Pat will be available for woodburning tips and techniques.

5:00 p.m. Potluck, followed by demo and entertainment if available.
Open carving and visiting

Saturday, June 11
7:00 AM - 8:30 Breakfast by Jim, donations accepted
8:30 AM - 9:00 Class drawing and sign up
9:00 AM - 12:00 Classes
1. Dave Disselbrett
2. Mel Wheatley, finish relief carving or wood burning project
3. Gil Drake
4. Vi & Ellen
5. Connie Schlosser, face stick
6. Everett Koontz

12:00 pm - 1:00 Lunch by Jim, donations accepted

1:00 pm - 4:00 Classes
1. Dave Disselbrett
2. Mel Wheatley, finish relieft carving or wood burning project
3. Chris McBride
4. Terry Pauly
5. Eric Owen, spirit face
6. Connie Schlosser, putting face stick to work.
Beading for non-carvers
woodburning techniques by Pat

5:00 PM Barbeque furnished by TCWCA
Demo or entertainment if available
Visit and carve

SUNDAY, June 11
8:00 AM Donuts & coffee
9:00 AM Mystery Contest ?????
11:30 AM Building clean-up

Monday, May 30, 2011


NO CLASS TUITION FEES. Some teachers may charge a small materials fee.
CAMPSITES ARE AVAILABLE, Dry $6.00, with water & electricity $10.00


The meeting was called to order by the Vice President, Bob Gough.
The Minutes of the April meeting were approved as published.
The Treasurer's report was given, after which Len requested that someone be appointed to take care of the money end of the Rendezvous because he has some family concerns and will likely be away at that time.

Library report: Len has the books and magazines at his home. Call him with your requests, and he will bring them to the next meeting, or you can pick them up at his house by appointment.

The date for the 2012 Artistry In Wood Show & Sale will be March 16, 17 & 18. Space at Tri-Tech has been arranged for this.

RENDEZVOUS REPORT: JUNE 10, 11 & 12. Time is getting short, and help is needed to get this going. Bob reported this schedule:
Thurs. Noon June 9 Set-up at the Fairgrounds
Fri. AM Breakfast (Money donations are being accepted to buy food.)
Fri. PM Potluck dinner
Sat. AM Breakfast
5 PM Barbeque
Raffle - Donations of items are needed for this!!!
Sun. AM Breakfast
Mystery contest results

Charlene reminded that she will need $50.00 in change to start out the raffle.

Ivan has the large chip carved piece, "The Lord's Prayer." It was decided that we keep it in storage until the show next spring, and raffle it then.

Bob asked for ideas for entertainment on Fri. and Sat. nights. He has a contact who does a slide show of aerial photos of this area. Ivan knows someone with connections in the music business.

We need a stand-by teacher in case John Mareno can't get here in time - he has a previous commitment that may interfere.

Barb Pentecost has sign-up sheets for ALL the jobs - please sign up for as many as you can do.

Regarding next year's show, Wally suggested that it might be good to have the judging early on Sat. AM, or earlier in the evening on Friday, and finish on Sat. AM, eliminating the all-night process w currently have. Also, if the judges don't have to work all night, they might be willing to be available at a certain time to answer any questions carvers might have.

Monday, May 9, 2011


The meeting was called to order by the President, Janet Boynton.

The Secretary, Jimee Hurst, gave a report on how the change-over to one yearly renewal date for everyone's dues will work.

The Treasurer's report was given by Len Daugherty. There was a suggestion from the floor that the club change our checking and savings accounts to a bank that pays interest; Geisa is one that pays 5%. It was suggested that we look into this further after the Rendezvous.

It was moved, seconded and passed that we donate $50 each to the Radio and Culinary Departments of Tri-Tech, in appreciation of their work during our spring show.

Charlene Brown reported that she has typed up a list of the books and magazines in the club library. Bob will take the books to Len's, and members can check the list, call Len, and either pick up the book or ask him to bring it to the next meeting.

Bob Gough suggested that we send thank-you notes to people who contributed to the show. We received notes from Will Hayden and the Walla Walla club members.

It was moved, seconded and passed that we send $50 to Dave Disselbritt for gas money in appreciation for his help in promoting our show.

It was moved that we have a show next year with a budget of $3500. There was much discussion, and it was pointed out that expenses in the past have exceeded $3500. Several members raised objections to having a budget amount in the motion. This motion was voted down.

It was moved, seconded and passed that we have a show next year on March 16, 17, & 18.

There was some discussion on the topic of qualifications to be a voting member of the club. According to the by-laws, everyone who is a paid-up member is qualified to vote.

Rendezvous Report by Bob Gough:
...Ivan and Charlene Brown will again be in charge of the Raffle.
...There will be a potluck on Friday night.
...Instructors signed up so far: Dave Disselbrett, Connie Schlosser, Vi Hiltwein, Ellen Berg, Ron Lunde, Bob Gough, Mel Wheatley.
...There will be a surprise contest starting Thurs., with the winner to be announced on Sunday.
...The remaining soap carving kits will be put on sale at the Rendezvous.

Our Vice President, Bob Gough, will be conducting the meetings during the summer months while the President is away.

Barb Pentecost pointed out that 8 of our members need handicapped parking spaces, and there is only one space in front of the Senior Center. She suggested that any member who is interested can call Gary Deardorff at the City Hall, 585-4301, and ask that this be made a priority.

Bob, Neil, Len, Mark, Jerry, & Judity presented a program on carving to a group of about 30 people at a local senior facility, and reported that it was very well received.

Kay Bleiler gave a talk on tips and suggestions that she has developed during her years of carving. She covered a wide range of ideas from choosing wood to finishing with a life-like "habitat" for mounting the carving.

Respectfully submitted,
Jimee Hurst, Secretary

Thursday, April 21, 2011


At Neil's. Fantasy houses, etc. MONDAY NIGHT OPEN HOUSE AT MERLE & NEIL WESCHE'S (5409 Jackson Lane in Pasco) 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Neil and others will instruct for beginners and intermediates. Also open to ALL carvers. Bark available.

For more information, call Neil at 509-262-6799.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


On the 26th of March, Butch Elrod (Chainsaw carver) and Neil Wesche (Power tool carver) were invited by the 4-H Club in Othello WA to do a demonstration of our methods of carving. This was in conjunction with the local celebration of the Sandhill Crane Festival that weekend. The local high school was available for a lot of activities, including our presentation. We were very well received by the youths and their parents. They presented us with some very nice gifts for our participation. Reported by Neil Wesche.


Charlene says: Thank you all for contributions, and to everyone who helped at the Raffle table to make it go so easy. And to Bob and Jean - you were great!!! Here are the non-members and vendors who contributed items: Meyers Auto Tech, Fiesta Mexican Restaurant, Yokes Market, Cascade Carvers, Waterfowl Woodworks, Whittlers Nook, Dream Dinners, White's Unfinished Furniture, Washington Hardware, John McDonald of Waddell & Reed, Alex Garvie of Glass Art By Alex, David & Sally Nye, Fox Chapel. Individuals who contributed: Will Hayden (thanks to Will for MANY contributions, and for his enthusiastic support of all our endeavors!) Gary & Vickie Thornton, Jean & Bob Manship, Jerry Johnson, Sharon Villegas, Wally Walters, Pat Bennett, Lee & Dagmar Householder, Barb Pentecost, Irene Braach, Ivan & Charlene Brown, Connie Schlosser, Levi & Aspasia Garcia, Les Delay, Carmen Stowers, Nita Silvers, Judy Conners, Robert Manion, Vi Hiltwein, Jim & Janet Boynton, Dave Disselbrett, Chris McBride, Phyllis Owen, Darlene DeWitt, Frank Spaulding, Roy LaMunyon, Judy & Jerry Gollihar, Shirley & David Carlson AGAIN, THANKS TO ALL WHO MADE THIS A VERY PROFITABLE RAFFLE!

Monday, March 28, 2011


April 21 3:00 to 4:00 The director at Tri-City Assisted Living at 2000 North 22nd in Pasco has invited our members to come to show our carvings and demonstrate how to do what we do. We would like to have at least six volunteers, and more would be welcome. Bring tools and small projects and some completed carvings. Sign up with Bob at or 628-1493. April 16 & 23 9:00 to 4:00 each day Mel Wheatley of the Walla Walla Carvers will be presenting a relief carving class at a club house at 938 Scenic View Drive, College Place WA. The subject is a hummingbird and the cost is $35. Please let Van Dewitt know at or call Mel at 509-526-4660. Bob is going - you can car pool with him.

Friday, March 25, 2011



I want to thank Bob Gough, our hard-working chairman of the show, for all the time and thought that went into one fantastic display.

For all the members who stepped up to the call for help & went the extra step, THANK YOU! The show would not have happened if you hadn't helped.

Neil Wesche, we all thank you for donating your carving to be given away by Ed Daily, plus the time you took to talk to him.

Jimee Hurst, you did a wonderful job on advertising, which I feel brought many people to the show. Len Daugherty, I was so glad to turn the money over to you, knowing you would take care of what had to be done.

Charlene Brown (with help from Ivan and a willing crew) you did a marvelous job on the raffle and the set-up for it. Now you can relax and get well.

Don Schnell, Patsy Bennett and Mark Green caught the interest of many people with the wood-burning display - and I know one lady bought a wood-burning machine to start doing just that.

Vi Hiltwein and Ellen Berg had a nice display of the projects that have been taught throughout the year and perhaps have sparked the interest of those who came through.

Thank you to all the members who did the demos throughout the weekend. I wish we could have had you out in the open a bit more.

I don't know how many of you bought new supplies or stacks of wood to work with, but I am so glad we had the vendors there. (Jim is probably wishing that they hadn't appealed to me quite so much.)

NOW WE CAN START THINKING ABOUT NEXT YEAR and what we want to happen. It takes a lot of work and people willing to help do their part. Once again, THANK YOU to all who helped make our show a huge success!!!



The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by the President, Janet Boynton. She suggested that we have no raffle tonight because of having so much business to take care of in regard to the show. She also thanked the officers for all the hard work leading up to the show.

The treasurer's report was given by Len Daugherty.

Charlene Brown reported that she will be working on the Index of the club library materials as soon as the show is over.

...Be at Tri-Tech at 1 p.m. tomorrow to help set up. We should be able to do this in two to three hours.
...Bob read the list of carvers who have volunteered to give demonstrations.
...The Bench Raffle has alread earned $885. Bob is thinking that we should limit the number of tickets to 500.
...Show Raffle - we will need help on this, since Charlene and Ivan are both ill. They have it organized, so we just need people to carry out her plans.
...Security - people signed up to watch in the display room must be alert and keep an eye on the carvings.
...WEAR YOUR VEST TO THE SHOW! If you don't have a vest, wear the patch you were given on a shirt or hat.
...Steve Mach is ill, but his son-in-law will be here to set up and help run the computer program. This lists entrants by number, by name and by category - a tremendous help to the judges.
...There will be 25 to 30 soap carving kits available for sale at $5 each.
...Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be prepared by the Tri-Tech students, and will be available for purchase beginning at 8:30 a.m. Sat. & Sun.
...Snacks for Friday night will be prepared by Shirley Carlson.

A PASCO RETIREMENT HOME HAS INVITED US to send some carvers over to demonstrate what we do. A tentative date of April 21 at 3 p.m. has been suggested. Volunteers will be needed.

CLUB DUES: It was moved and seconded that the date for all dues be changed to June 1 for everyone in the club. There was much discussion; the motion passed with five dissenting votes.

Renewal of Corporation papers: We have had to file amended papers in the past because our election date does not coincide with our incorporation date. Arlene Spaulding is working on getting our effective date changed so that we will not have to file amendments after future elections.

By popular demand, and because we had time after all, a raffle was held. The winners were Charlene and Jerry.

Friday, March 11, 2011

TC Herald News Article

Check out page 5 in the Atomictown section of the Herald this morning. Great article by Dori O'Neal on Dave Disselbrett and our show!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meeting Minutes, Feb. 17, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by the President, Janet Boynton. There were 20 members in attendance. The January, 2011 Minutes were approved as published.

The President stated that US Bank had called, saying that we have to re-register with the State, as officers have changed since the last registration.

Janet passed out club patches that Nita has made for the club.

The treasurer's report was given.

Charlene is preparing a list of items in our library.

Carving Show:
1. Bob stated that the ads have been prepared. He showed two versions of the ad proposed for the Giant Nickel. Helen moved that the club select the larger ad, even if the cost of advertising exceeds $700. Barb seconded the motion, and it was passed.

2. Raffle items are slow coming in.
3. Pre-registration has been slow.

Old Business: None
New Business:
1. Janet stated that she will be appointing 2 Trustees.
2. Janet is asking for volunteers to give demos at the monthly meetings starting in April.

The Raffle winners were Jerry, Janet and Jim

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Boynton, Substituting for the Secretary

Saturday, February 5, 2011


THE PHONE NUMBER PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED FOR NEIL WESCHE WAS INCORRECT. Please call him at (509) 262-6799 for information about the weekly carving sessions at Neil and Merle's.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by the President, Janet Boynton.
***The Minutes of the Executive Board meeting of Wed., Jan. 5, 2011, were read by the Secretary, Jimee Hurst.
***Vice-President, Bob Gough, reported that he has 6 bins of carving books in the club library. Len Daugherty volunteered to store them for the club.
***A sign-up sheet was passed around and members were urged to volunteer to bring refreshments to the meetings. There was a good response; the months of March and November still need to be filled.
***Arlene Spaulding gave the Treasurer's Report. She also reported that Barb Pentecost will audit the books for the last six months of 2010. Janet thanked Arlene for her on-going help in bringing the new officers up to speed on their duties.
***Show Chairman, Bob Gough, reported that the Prospectus has been sent out. Advertising and brochures will be the responsibility of Jimee Hurst. Ivan Brown will take care of getting our show announcement on the Meyers reader board. Neil Wesche will talk to Ed Daley about the radio spots. He also donated a carving to be given away on the air.
Barb Pentecost has sign-up sheets for jobs at the show. Kay Blieler is taking care of ribbons. Patsy Bennett is donating a carving for the Cooks' Award.
Bob needs to build 5 risers that are 1' x 1' x 6'. He needs 1/2" to 3/4" plywood or particle board for this. Barb will try to get some scrap lumber from a construction site near her.
It was moved, seconded, and approved unanimously that the club provide two tables free of charge to the Kennewick Senior Center Wed. carving class for their display.
Bob reported that several demonstrations have been scheduled for the show, but more need to volunteer.
Carl Kinne will provide the tags for carving entries.
Bob said PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ON SUNDAY WHEN THE SHOW CLOSES, BUT STAY AND HELP WITH THE TEAR-DOWN AND CLEAN-UP. He was left with almost no help last year, and he hopes that this will not happen again.
Breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase both days of the show, prepared by the students at Tri-Tech.
***RENDEZVOUS REPORT: Bob Gough is also chairman of the Rendezvous in June. He asked for more volunteer instructors. Jim and Janet Boynton have volunteered to take care of breakfast and lunch. Barb Pentecost suggested that we include in our advertising the information that we have an air-conditioned building in which to hold the event.

***Since Catherine Segovia found it necessary to resign as Treasurer, a plea went out for a volunteer. Len Daugherty volunteered, Ivan Brown nominated him, seconded by Shirley Carlson, and the vote was unanimous. Thank you Len!!!
***The Monday night carving sessions at Neil Wesche's will begin on Jan. 24, providing an opportunity for people who work days to join us.
***Neil suggested that we look into putting an application blank for membership in our blog and newsletter.
***Ivan Brown suggested that we think about having the executive board be authorized to take care of business decisions at separate meetings, and reserve Thurs. night monthly meeting for demonstrations, etc.
***There was a motion to authorize the board to approve expenses up to $250 without going to the club for approval. There was much discussion, following which the motion was withdrawn.
***Bob reported that Mel Wheatley will be offering a two-session class in relief carving on April 16 and 23 in Walla Walla.
***Vi Hiltwein reported that the Idaho Woodcarvers' Jamboree will be held in Boise on Memorial Day weekend. Classes will run all three days and the cost is $200. ***Vi also said that she has received the first pre-registration for our own show.
***Bob suggested that we think about making our dues all due at the same time, and pro-rate them for those who join during the year.
***The Raffle was held, and winners were Charlene, Janet, and Jean. The winners are reminded to please bring an item for next month's raffle.
***The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jimee Hurst, Secretary

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I want to thank all of you who came to the Christmas Potluck and gift exchange. Everyone had a good time, with good food filling us up and fun/interesting/entertaining gifts exchanged... and exchanged.. and exchanged.

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to Ivan Brown for his hard work as President last year. And to Arlene Spaulding for her willingness to work so hard as Treasurer, and in many other areas as well.

Your new officers have met and discussed continuing with the good plans laid down by the previous officers. Bob Gough is continuing as Vice President, and is heading up the committee to plan the March Artistry in Wood Show. He will be needing lots of help to make it a success. From set up to take down, hands are needed to help in any way they can. Please let Bob know that you are willing and available to help.

THANKS TO NITA for making patches and giving them to members who had none. I hope everyone will be wearing their vests to the show, to show who we are. It makes a difference if a visitor has a question or needs some help. If you don't have a vest and don't sew, perhaps you can make a deal with someone who does. Trade-barter-buy ... whatever works.

Your new officers are looking forward to keeping this club going, but we can't do it alone. Do bring us suggestions and ideas that YOU want to see addressed. We are working on some new ideas now and will bring them to the meeting. Be willing to be flexible as we try them out. :>)




Beginning on Monday, Jan. 24, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. and every Monday evening thereafter, the Wesche's are opening their home workshop to all club members and inviting other carvers who perhaps can't attend the daytime classes at the Senior Center.

Bring a chair - we have 16, but might need more. The workshop has room for about 30 people. There is no charge for these sessions.

Neil and Merle Wesche
5409 Jackson Lane
Pasco WA 99301
(509) 262-5206
Cell (541) 604-5203

Directions: Hwy 182 to Pasco Exit #9
Go North on Road 68 for 1.0 mile to Sandifer, turn right.
Go 1.0 mile to Grant, turn right.
Proceed 1/4 block to Jefferson, turn left. This will turn into Jackson Lane. 5409 is on the south side of the street. Parking is available on the street.


Mel Wheatley will be instructing a Relief carving class at Walla Walla College beginning this month and running for 8 weeks on Thurs. afternoons from 1:30 to 4:30. Sign up through the college. Cost is $52, which inclues wood. The carving will be a poinsettia.

Mel is also going to hold another class, two back-to-back Saturdays in April, exact dates to be announced. Classes will be from 9:00 to 4:00 with 1/2 hour for lunch. Cost is $56, which includes wood. The relief carving subject will be a hummingbird.

If you are interested, let's set up a car pool. Call Bob Gough at 460-1647.
Call Mel at (509) 526-4660 for more information on classes.


January 15 - 16 Lincoln City, Oregon
Coastal Carvers host 19th annual Artistry in Wood in Chinook Winds Convention Center, 1777 NW 40th St. Sat. 10 - 5, Sun. 10 - 4. Free Admission. Guest artist: Ron Adamson

***January 20 TCWC Business Meeting 7 p.m. @ Tri-Tech

***January 24 First carving session at the Wesche's - see above for article titled New Carving Opportunity.

February 26 - 27 Boise, Idaho
Idaho Artistry in Wood Show, Holiday Inn Convention Center, 3300 Vista Ave. Douglas Rose (208) 387-0492

March 13 - 14 Bremerton WA
Kitsap County Woodcarvers 24th Annual Juried Show and Sale, WestSide Improvement Center, 4109 W. e St. Sat. 11 am - 5 pm, Sun. 10 am - 4 pm. Mark Campbell (360) 536-6155

***March 19 - 20 Kinnewick WA
Tri-Cities Woodcarvers 17th annual Artistry in Wood juried show and sale at Tri-Tech Skills Center, Kellogg at Metaline. Admission $3, children 12 and under free.

March 26 - 27 North Bend, Oregon
Southcoast Woodcarvers 20th Show & Sale 9 AM - 5 PM, North Bend Community Center, 2222 Broadway. Free admission. Rick Miller (541) 260-5328

***June 9 - 12 Kennewick WA Tri-Cities Woodcarvers 14th Annual Rendezvous. Bob Gough (509) 628-1493