Sunday, April 17, 2011


On the 26th of March, Butch Elrod (Chainsaw carver) and Neil Wesche (Power tool carver) were invited by the 4-H Club in Othello WA to do a demonstration of our methods of carving. This was in conjunction with the local celebration of the Sandhill Crane Festival that weekend. The local high school was available for a lot of activities, including our presentation. We were very well received by the youths and their parents. They presented us with some very nice gifts for our participation. Reported by Neil Wesche.

1 comment:

  1. And a good time was had by all :)
    Neil and I worked with neither script, plan, nor net. We discussed tools, techniques, references, safety, etc. A few questions were asked by our audience {always a good sign} and I think we held their attention.

    For our display, we had reference books, traditional mallet and palm tools, both large and small power tools, safety gear, chainsaws and even a genuine carving axe. Neil's stylized sandhill cranes were a big hit and my heron carving was sold in the parking lot before driving home.

    My next gig is at the You & I Framing & Gallery during the Kennewick Art Walk on May 5th 2011. Hope to see you there!
