Saturday, January 11, 2014

How many carvings have you made?

Rocking Chair by MatthewTim
Timeless Sculptures

I have been working on a new website layout for a wood sculptor named Matthew G Welter.  Matthew has been a full time professional wood carver for over 40 years.  A few of those years were spent running his art gallery at Lake Tahoe, CA and his current studio (along with open air gallery) is in Carson City, Nevada.

Timeless Sculptures, as Matthew calls his company, is a primarily commission business.  Very little is carved for inventory and in recent years, much of his work requires heavy equipment to move or transport. Prices are equally weighty.

The question comes to mind, "What does a professional wood sculptor of this caliber do about cracking wood?"  The answer is found in his biography.  He SELLS them!  Matthew explains...

Contemporary Sculpture
"Wood, with its trade-mark warmth and innocent beauty doesn’t even have to try; not with all those knots, grains and glorious cracks. Yes, glorious! Cracks are at once the markers of imperfection and a welcome, random release of tension in an otherwise well-ordered reality. Cracks are justification for, and acceptance of, forces we cannot control."

Not only does he accept and celebrate cracks in wood, he also burns it.  Not for heat but for art!  He has burned the surface of his Statue of Liberty to give it texture and patina.  He has developed a method of using fire to hollow sculptures which he used on a life size Liberty Bell and a 10' tall Easter Island Moai.

Where can you see his works?  Well, there are 4,972 photos of just about every angle and every type of wood sculpture you have ever seen in his new photo gallery at Timeless Sculptures.

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